Health Care Report Card Compendium Lise Rybowski, The Severyn Group Presented at AHRQ’s Annual Meeting - September 27, 2007 Session 1B: Quality and Patient Safety Reporting Tools
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group2 What Is the Report Card Compendium? A Web-based searchable directory of over 200 sources of comparative information on the quality of health plans and providers Launched by AHRQ in Spring 2007 Supports HHS’s transparency initiative
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group3 Impetus for the Creation of the Report Card Compendium Outgrowth of work on expanding/updating Sponsors and researchers needed access to examples Sponsors needed a way to find and network with other sponsors No similar directory available at the time
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group4 Participants in Development Content developed by Westat and its subcontractor, The Severyn Group, under contract to AHRQ Advisors: TalkingQuality Editorial Board CAHPS II Reports Team
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group5 TalkingQuality Editorial Board Laura Aiuppa, NCQA Kathy Crosson and Christine Crofton, AHRQ Jeanne McGee, McGee & Evers Consulting David Miranda, CMS Dale Shaller, Shaller Consulting Lisa Payne Simon, Blue Shield of California Foundation Shoshanna Sofaer, Baruch College
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group6 Purpose of the Report Card Compendium To inform and support the various organizations that develop report cards Who has been publishing reports on quality at various levels of the health care system? What kinds of information have they been reporting? How have they been presenting the data? To provide easy access to examples of different approaches to content and presentation To meet the needs of health services researchers
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group7 The Compendium Includes Reports on… Health plans Hospitals (inpatient and outpatient care) Medical groups/clinics Individual physicians Managed behavioral health organizations Nursing homes Home health agencies Dialysis facilities
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group8 Overview of Entries in the Report Card Compendium Designed for consumers, defined as enrollees, employees, beneficiaries of Medicare or Medicaid, or the public at large Available to consumers (but not necessarily available to all consumers or for free) Include comparative data on quality for more than one health care organization. Exclusions: Reports with cost information only Reports with information on only one health care organizations (even with benchmarks)
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group9 Compendium Is Comprehensive Geography: Developed by sponsors from across the U.S. (over 30 states) as well as other countries Timing: Covers over 10 years of quality reporting (Some entries published in 1996.)
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group10 Choice of Search Criteria Users can identify reports that meet one or more criteria: Topic (e.g., health plan quality, hospital quality) Geography Measure category Sponsor type (e.g., government agency, health plan) And more Foreign language Medicaid recipients as audience Availability on Web
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group11 How to Use the Report Card Compendium: Select Criteria
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group12 Browse Summary Results
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group13 View Summary Tables
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group14 View Detailed Profile Pages Link to external site or sample page Contact information Overview of report (geography, language, target audience, electronic format) Measure categories (clinical measures, patient experience measures, more details) Presentation strategies (how displayed, comparison points, more details) Content strategies (explanatory text, decision support) Additional information
September 27, 2007The Severyn Group15 What Lies Ahead Funded until 2012 under AHRQ’s CAHPS III program: Ongoing effort to update and expand entries; recent trends include use of: AHRQ’s IQI’s and PSI’s Combinations of cost and quality information Possibility of user testing, future refinements to format and content Have a report? Send requests to CAHPS User Network at