ZonePRO™ Modulating Thermostats Technical Training July 10, 2006
2 Models and Features Models with 1 output - TB6980A1007 (Floating) - TB7980A1006 (Analog 0-10V or 2-10V) Models with 3 outputs - TB6980B1006 (1 st output is floating) - TB7980B1005 (1 st output is analog 0-10V or 2-10V) - 2 nd output can be configured for: Analog 0-10V Analog 2-10V 24V - 3 rd output is 24V only Features for all models - Automatic changeover (duct sensor required) - Manual changeover (remote switch or relay required) - Night setback - Min and Max temperature setpoint stops
3 Applications and Accessories Hydronic and pressure dependent VAV with or without reheat Non-programmable Up to three outputs depending on model Can be used for: - Floating or Analog damper/valve actuator control - Damper/valve actuator with duct reheat and aux heat (B models) - Hydronic systems (room control, perimeter heating and cooling) Compatible accessories - R841 family of electromechanical relays remote room sensor duct temperature sensor bare thermistor
4 Terminal Connections TerminalDescription VAC COM Power supply 3434 AN1 COMOutput 1 TB7980 models 3434 OPEN CLOSED TB6980 models 5656 T2/AN2 T2/COM Output 2 (TB6980B and TB7980B models) WARNING: Make sure SW6 is set to the proper setting (Triac or Analog) 7878 T3 Output 3 (TB6980B and TB7980B models) 9 10 COM SENSOR External sensor input. (For applications requiring an external sensor) 9 11 COM C-Over Mode Changeover input (N.O contact) COM NSB Night Setback activation input (N.O. contact)
5 Typical Applications Damper control with electric reheat and auxiliary hot-water heating TB6980B Relay 24 VAC not COM
6 Typical Applications Damper control with electric reheat and auxiliary baseboard heating TB7980B Relay
7 Typical Applications Damper control with automatic changeover, electric reheat and central cooling TB7980B Relay
8 Typical Applications Temperature control of fresh air supply TB6980B Relay
9 Typical Applications Changeover and NSB inputs sharing the same 24-Vac transformer TB7980B
10 Modèle 1A2T ApplicationDefault mode & output 1 type Output 2 typeOutput 3 typeOutput 3 activation NSB valueOutput 1 min. opening Maximum setpoint Minimum setpoint 0Internal sensor0Cool / 0-10V0Not used0 0100%11°C (2°F)00% Can be set between 35°C (95°F) and "minimum setpoint + 1“ Default value is 35°C (95°F) Can be set between 10°C (50°F) and “maximum setpoint -1“ Default value is 10°C (50°F) 1Room1Heat / 0-10V1SSR 24 VAC 1 110%22°C (4°F)110% 2Return2Cool / 2-10V2N.C. Valve2 220%33°C (6°F)220% 3Supply3Heat / 2-10 V3N.O. Valve3 330%44°C (8°F)330% 4Auto changeover 4Mech. relay 4Mech. Relay440%55°C (10°F)440% 5Limited cooling5SSR 3-32V5Contact550%66°C (12°F)550% 6SCR 0-10V660%77°C (14°F) 7Act. 0-10V770%88°C (16°F) 8Act. / 2- 10V 880%99°C (18°F) 990% Default configuration Configuration – TB7980B1005
11 Modèle 1F2T ApplicationDefault ModeOutput 2 typeOutput 3 typeOutput 3 activation NSB valueOutput 1 min. opening Output 1 opening time Maximu m setpoint Minimu m setpoint 0Internal sensor0Cool0Not used0 0100%11°C (2°F)00%080 Can be set betwee n 35°C (95°F) and “min setpoint + 1“ Default value is 35°C (95°F) Can be set between 10°C (50°F) and “max setpoint -1“ Default value is 10°C (50°F) 1Room1Heat1SSR 24 VAC 1 110%22°C (4°F)110%190 2Return2N.C. Valve2 220%33°C (6°F)220%2100 3Supply3N.O. Valve3 330%44°C (8°F)330%3110 4Auto changeover 4Mech. relay4Mech. Relay 440%55°C (10°F) 440%4120 5Limited cooling5SSR 3-32V5Contact550%66°C (12°F) 550%5130 6SCR 0-10V660%77°C (14°F) Act. 0-10V770%88°C (16°F) Act. / 2-10V880%99°C (18°F) % Default configuration Configuration – TB6980B1006
12 Configuration menu TB6980B output 1 default mode Output 1 Activation
13 Configuration menu TB6980B Output 1 Modes Menu settingTB7980 modelsTB6980 models 0Cool / 0-10 V analog (max. of 10 min. refresh) Cool (24 V tri-state floating) 1Heat / 0-10 V analog (max. of 10 min. refresh) Heat (24 V tri-state floating) 2Cool / 2-10V analog (max. of 10 min. refresh) 3Heat / 2-10 V analog (max. of 10 min. refresh)
14 Configuration menu TB6980B output 1 default mode Output 1 jumps at 100% if there is an instant 5°F difference Output 2 Activation
15 Configuration menu TB6980B Output 2 Modes Menu settingDescription 0Not used 124 VAC pulsed (triac) 1 sec. Cycle 224 VAC pulsed (triac) / 10 min. cycle / direct action (e.g., N.C. thermal valve) 324 VAC pulsed (triac) / 10 min. cycle / reverse action (e.g., N.O. thermal valve) 424 VAC pulsed (triac) / 15 min. cycle (e.g., mechanical relay such as R841) V pulsed / 1 sec. Cycle V analog / 1 sec. Refresh (e.g., SCR controlled device such as re-heater) V analog / max. of 10 min. refresh (e.g., valve) V analog / max. of 10 min. refresh (e.g., damper)
16 Configuration menu TB6980B Output 3 Activation output 1 default mode Output 1 jumps at 100% if there is an instant 5°F difference Output 2 jumps at 100% if there is an instant 11°F difference
17 Configuration menu TB6980B Output 3 Modes Menu settingDescription 0Not used 124 VAC pulsed (triac) 1 sec. Cycle 224 VAC pulsed (triac) / 10 min. cycle / direct action (e.g., N.C. thermal valve) 324 VAC pulsed (triac) / 10 min. cycle / reverse action (e.g., N.O. thermal valve) 424 VAC pulsed (triac) / 15 min. cycle (e.g., mechanical relay such as R841) 5N.O. contact (The contact closes when output 1 reaches or exceeds set percentage)
18 Configuration menu TB6980B Output 3 Activation “Contact Mode” output 1 default mode
19 Configuration and Operation Configuration - Dip switches Temperature display, F or C (SW1) Access mode (SW2) Output 2 type (SW6) This sets output 2 type (analog or triac) Operation - Backlight (on for 12 seconds) - Temperature setting by 1° increments (2°F in changeover) - Output display (Hold Override for 4 seconds)
20 Operation (continued) Operation - Changeover Manual changeover (contact) Automatic changeover (9°F differential between duct and room) Night setback Override (2 hours) Error codes - E1 (internal sensor defective) - E2 (internal sensor shorted) - E3 (external temperature sensor defective or not connected) - E4 (external temperature sensor shorted)
21 System Components OS #DimensionsCompatible Valves and ActuatorsSensors and AccessoriesReplaces TB6980A x 4.6 x 1.0 in. (69 x 118 x 27 mm) VC6930, VC6934, VC6936, ML6984A1006, ML6420, ML6161B2024, MN6105A1011 R841 Series of electromechanical relays, air duct sensor, space sensor, ST6008A1003 and ST7009A1003 time clocks, A wall plate T6984A1059 TB6980B100 6 T6984D1046, T6984E1043 TB7980A100 6 VC7930, VC7934, VC7936, ML7984A4009, ML7420, ML7161A2008, MN7505A2001 T7984A1057, T7984A1065 TB7980B100 5 T7984B1055, T7984C1053 ML6984 ZonePRO MN7505 VC7930 ST7009
22 Literature and Point of Purchase Materials TECHNICAL LITERATURE Installation Instructions Guide Specification Actuator Cross Reference SALES LITERATURE Brochure n/aFlyer All ZonePRO sales, technical and PowerPoint materials can be downloaded at