1 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Stronger health systems. Greater health impact. Strengthening M&E capacity of civil society organizations to improve the reach and quality of OVC care and support services: Experiences from Lesotho Jabulani Mavudze, Megh Jagriti, Roselyn Kareithi, and Mathabo Pule March 2013
2 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Background Information Building Local Capacity for the Delivery of HIV Services in Southern Africa Project (BLC) MSH project funded by USAID is working in six countries In Lesotho, BLC gives small USAID funded grants to 12 CSOs to: improve the coordination and delivery of the OVC services reach 25,5% OVC ( 46,585 OVC) and 15,972 caregivers by 2015
3 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Problem Statement Based on literature review and capacity assessment, OVC programming challenges: National CSOs and CBOs are the predominant OVC service providers The CSOs have weak M&E systems and capacity CSOs have limited funds low OVC reach and poor quality of services weak coordination of OVC interventions at national, district and community levels Total population 2,000,000 Children 1,072,974 (53%) OVC 182,000 (17%)
4 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Methodologies and Strategies (Being) Used (1) Capacity Assessment Administer capacity assessment tool Documents and literature review M&E Tools Development Data collection tools (Registration and Service Provision Forms) Reporting tools (Monthly and Quarterly templates and reporting guidelines ) Training of CSO Staff 30 individuals from 12 CSOs received formal training on importance of M&E, M&E tools, project indicators, data quality standards, data management, and reporting Training was done together with Ministry of Social Development
5 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Methodologies and Strategies (Being) Used (2) Accompaniment Supporting CSOs to train secondary caregivers Monitoring secondary caregivers as they provide services Coaching Monthly and quarterly data verification and support visits Spot checks
6 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Evidence of Success and Achievements (1) Improved data quality - only 0,2% records in Dec 2012 were discarded compared to 12% in March 2012 Overall, 53,194 OVC and caregivers reached against a target of 51,700 By December 2012, 23,5% (42,739) of OVC in Lesotho reached against a target of 25,5% by September 2013
7 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Evidence of Success and Achievements (2) CSOs applying acquired M&E skills and knowledge Improved quality of services Improved data flow Reduced duplication of services Some quotes from CSOs ‘’Well I believe it has brought about the importance of M&E within the organisation. Initial projects did not put much emphasis on it hence why there wasn't an M&E person. The emerging need and constant emphasis of M&E also contributed to quality service provision.” “Through the BLC project, my organization now has improved capacity to carry out quality monitoring and evaluation activities, not only within the BLC project, but now also within other in-house projects.”
8 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Challenges and Solutions National CSOs and CBOs have few full-time staff; the majority are volunteers As a solution, BLC together with partner CSOs developed simple data collection tools in local language BLC provided long-term coaching support to CSO staff responsible for M&E activities
9 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Lessons Learned Prioritize institutional capacity building before service provision With adequate M&E capacity CSOs can reach more OVC with quality services Coaching and accompaniment are effective capacity building approaches Equal partnership with CSOs promotes ownership and mutual trust
10 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Conclusions Strengthening of monitoring and evaluation systems significantly contributes to increased quality of services and number of beneficiaries reached
11 Management Sciences for Health MSH Building Local Capacity Project Questions & Comments