Michael Teacher’s Desk Abdillahi Jihan Abdi.B Lesley Dillan Ashlee BernardKyle Jinesh Chanelle Abdirahma n Brandon Hanad Dahyon Gianluca Usaama Lazaro.


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Presentation transcript:

Michael Teacher’s Desk Abdillahi Jihan Abdi.B Lesley Dillan Ashlee BernardKyle Jinesh Chanelle Abdirahma n Brandon Hanad Dahyon Gianluca Usaama Lazaro Sandy David Kavish Adarsh Jaganiya Ghilman Adam Miriam Georgia Abi Solomon CameronKelvin

Blessed Father, We ask you for the gift of forgiveness. We ask you to bless those who have treated us in an unforgiving manner and ask for their redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen A community founded on Hope, Love and Trust

Do Now! This weeks’ key terms: Formal curriculum Hidden Curriculum Informal Education Learning Segregation Look at the two images which represent Functionalist and Marxist thinking on society. Independently list what each theory believes on society. Secondly discuss in table groups how it might link to their beliefs on education

The ruling class The working class

I am society… argggh! Family Education The Law Media Work The People

Functionalist Marxist Education has important role to play in ensuring we conform with societies rules If you work hard and can afford fees of independent schools then you are entitled to that privilege. Elitism – top percent of society operating and oppressing the masses Deliberately ensuring that state sector remains uneducated

First Task! Watch Dr Ken Robinson’s video clip on Changing Educational Paradigms. What aspects could we link to each social theory? Do we agree with the questions he raises about education? This weeks’ key terms: Formal curriculum Hidden Curriculum Informal education learning Segregation

B673: Sociology of EducationLesson 4: History of Education in Britain All (D/C grade):Can I describe the changes to the education system over time in the UK? Most (C/B grade): Can I analyse why key changes occurred in the UK system and give advantages and disadvantages? Some (B/A grade): Can I evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the changes to UK education system linking certain changes to key thinkers views on society?

How much can you remember? In table groups brainstorm all the key terms, information and concepts that you have come across to date that link to education. The following students should link theories to what we have studied so far: Miriam, Lazaro, Sandy, David, Jaganiya, Chanelle, Jihan, Michael, Adarsh, Abdi.B, Lesley, Ashlee and Jinesh.

What are comprehensive schools? What are grammar schools? What are technical schools? What are secondary modern schools? Why do you think schools were created in such divisive categories? Link it to a theory.

Segregation Streaming Informal Education Learning Formal Curriculum Hidden Curriculum Key Concepts Subjects that are studied and examined in schools What schools teach students through day to day school life. This will reflect society’s attitudes and values and prepares students for their future role and place in society Non directed learning that occurs outside of the classroom and does not have a curriculum to follow Separating students, often males and females and so giving them different experiences and opportunities in school Separating students according to ability from an early age and making it difficult to move ‘stream’

The History of the UK Education system So what have we learnt so far?

Pre-War education 1870 – Education was first made compulsory and free 1880 – Attendance was made compulsory until the age of – The state became responsible for secondary education and school leaving age was raised to 14

1944- The Butler Education Act Primary education until the age of 11 Secondary school compulsory until the age of 15 Further & Higher education at 15+ Secondary education was determined by the 11+ exam GrammarTechnical schoolsSecondary modern

Problems of the Tripartite system Unfairness of the system - discuss

1965 – Comprehensive system The aim of comprehensives was to teach all under one roof regardless of social class, gender, ethnicity and ability 1972 – School leaving age was raised to 16 More mixed-ability teaching was introduced An emphasis on the ‘3 Rs’ – Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic GCE’s began to replace ‘O-Levels’ Problems with the comprehensive system:

(Conservative Power) 1988 Education Reform Act All students to study the National curriculum and take GCSE’s Pupils to sit SATS at 7,11 and 14 Schools were to be entered into league tables to judge performance Schools became more business like and controlled their own finances Increased OFSTED inspections ‘New Vocationalism’ – Youth training schemes and work experience Marketisation – Schools used prospectuses and advertising to recruit students to their schools

1997 onwards – New Labour Curriculum 2000 A levels became AS and A2s More vocational choice – BTEC, GNVQ and NVQ Tomlinson enquiry – aim to increase flexibility and equality (14-19) More people to be university educated Current concerns/Problems?

Coalition government – 2010-? Increased university fees * The end of EMA *Increased contributions from parents? *Baccalaureate qualifications from 14-19? *Compulsory education to the age of 18 *The end of coursework *Increased OFSTED inspections? *Higher entry requirements for teachers?

Literacy Focus: Make sure to use the correct version in words using the EI or IE combination… Exam style question: How have changes to the UK education system been influenced by societies needs and by political actions? (12 marks) C Grade: Outline the key changes Establish a reason why changes occurred B Grade: Comment on the equality within the new and old systems What are the advantages of attending private over state A Grade: Link to social theories and draw conclusions on how successful our education system is.

What would we need to include to be successful? Success Criteria?

B673: Sociology of EducationLesson 4: History of Education in Britain All (D/C grade):Can I describe the changes to the education system over time in the UK? Most (C/B grade): Can I analyse why key changes occurred in the UK system and give advantages and disadvantages? Some (B/A grade): Can I evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the changes to UK education system linking certain changing to key thinkers views on society?

Two things I have learnt in today’s lesson… Recap!