COEHD Field Experiences Your Key to Success!
Why are field experiences important? This is an opportunity for you to gain information that will help you make a decision that can affect the rest of your life. This is your first impression of education, and education’s first impression of you.
Why are field experiences important? This is an opportunity for you to begin your personal professional development in teaching. This is your opportunity to begin developing your skills and talents as a teacher.
There are Two Major Goals for School-University Partnerships To provide professional development opportunities for pre-service teachers To provide professional development opportunities for pre-service teachers Through your participation, to support learning and teaching in the public schools Through your participation, to support learning and teaching in the public schools
Guidelines for a Successful Field Experience UTSA pre-service teachers are special guests in the schools. Remember to act like a guest. UTSA pre-service teachers are special guests in the schools. Remember to act like a guest. It is important to portray a responsible and professional attitude. It is important to portray a responsible and professional attitude. Use the information in the following slides as a guide. Use the information in the following slides as a guide.
Attendance Have good attendance Have good attendance Be on time! People are depending on you. Be on time! People are depending on you. Show respect. Communicate with your mentor teacher if you do have to be absent. Show respect. Communicate with your mentor teacher if you do have to be absent.
Research Your School and District Go to the district/school website. Learn about the: Principal and other personnel Teachers/teams Location of the school Demographics of the students Other relevant information
School Rules Ask for a copy of the school handbook. Ask for a copy of the school handbook. Follow policies and procedures of the school and the district.Follow policies and procedures of the school and the district. Become a responsible member of the school.Become a responsible member of the school.
Be Professional Consider this a semester long interview.Consider this a semester long interview. Everyone will be observing you from the children to the school custodians.Everyone will be observing you from the children to the school custodians. Put on a professional attitude.Put on a professional attitude.
Appropriate Dress Impressions are formed from the outside in. People will judge you by your appearance before they get to know you as an individual. Impressions are formed from the outside in. People will judge you by your appearance before they get to know you as an individual. Dress appropriately for the school setting. Dress appropriately for the school setting. Observe those around you and take your cues from them as to how to dress. Observe those around you and take your cues from them as to how to dress. Look like the teacher you are becoming. Look like the teacher you are becoming.
Appropriate Dress Business Casual is usually very appropriate. No unconventional piercing or hair color, hide your tattoos.
Wear your Picture ID Most school districts require some form of ID while you are on the campus. Your UTSA ID will identify you as someone who is legitimately on the school grounds. Most school districts require some form of ID while you are on the campus. Your UTSA ID will identify you as someone who is legitimately on the school grounds.
Cell Phones Cell phones should be turned off while you are in a classroom. Cell phones should be turned off while you are in a classroom. Do not leave your field work to answer cell phones. Do not leave your field work to answer cell phones. Your attention should be focused on your field work. Your attention should be focused on your field work.
Relationships Mentoring is an important component of your field work.Mentoring is an important component of your field work. Develop a positive working relationship with your mentor teacher and the students.Develop a positive working relationship with your mentor teacher and the students.
Confidentiality During the course of any field placement you will learn confidential information about students. During the course of any field placement you will learn confidential information about students. Do not discuss this information outside of the classroom setting. Do not discuss this information outside of the classroom setting. Maintaining confidentiality is part of being a professional. Maintaining confidentiality is part of being a professional.
Getting the Best Experience Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from mentor teachers.Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from mentor teachers. Be actively involved in the classroom and school – not just an observer.Be actively involved in the classroom and school – not just an observer. Go above and beyond the minimum expectations.Go above and beyond the minimum expectations.
Go Beyond the Classroom Look for opportunities to involve yourself in: Tutoring or MentoringTutoring or Mentoring Student activitiesStudent activities Parent involvement activitiesParent involvement activities Faculty meetingsFaculty meetings Grade-level/departmental meetingsGrade-level/departmental meetings Staff development sessionsStaff development sessions
UTSA Office of P-20 Initiatives America Reads/America Counts Tutoring Program in SAISD Elementary/Middle Schools – $8.45/hour – Contact Roseann San Martin at or America Reads/America Counts Tutoring Program in SAISD Elementary/Middle Schools – $8.45/hour – Contact Roseann San Martin at or Mentor – Contact Ron Thomas, Director of School Partnerships, at or Mentor – Contact Ron Thomas, Director of School Partnerships, at or UTSA – Career Services Job Bank – Look for positions posted by various Job Bank – Look for positions posted by various school districts
Various School Districts Check Websites for part-time positions, including tutoring, after school program staff and substitute teaching Check Websites for part-time positions, including tutoring, after school program staff and substitute teaching Check websites for mentoring and school volunteer work Check websites for mentoring and school volunteer work Communities in Schools Check Website for opportunities to become a mentor, tutor, intern/practicum student, or other volunteer – Contact Ilsa Garcia at or ext. 225 Check Website for opportunities to become a mentor, tutor, intern/practicum student, or other volunteer – Contact Ilsa Garcia at or ext. 225 Questions? Attend Informational Meeting – Friday, Sept 7 – MB :00 PM Questions? Attend Informational Meeting – Friday, Sept 7 – MB :00 PM
Be a Winner! Remember: You will get out of the field experience what you put into it. Your success depends on YOU!
BE SMART! Get the most out of every field experience. field experience. Use your time wisely. These are your first steps towards your goal of becoming a teacher! Congratulations and Good Luck!
Covering the Cost of Field Experiences Scholarships Scholarships Must apply early. Deadlines tend to occur months before funds areMust apply early. Deadlines tend to occur months before funds are needed. needed. Ethel Weiner Bloom/Crawford Loans Ethel Weiner Bloom/Crawford Loans $500 need based loans available during the semester to help with$500 need based loans available during the semester to help with transportation costs. transportation costs. UTSA Interest Free Loan-Student Teaching UTSA Interest Free Loan-Student Teaching Contact: Pam Wood for an appointment to discuss these and other financial resources. or (210)