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Bread Group Serving sizes 1 slice bread 1 slice bread 1 oz ready to eat cereal 1 oz ready to eat cereal ½ English muffin or bagel ½ English muffin or bagel ½ cup cooked pasta, rice, grits or cooked cereal ½ cup cooked pasta, rice, grits or cooked cereal 1 tortilla, roll or muffin 1 tortilla, roll or muffin How much do you consider a serving? How many servings in one double decker sandwich? How many servings in one whole bagel?
Grains – Nutrition Around two-thirds of the calories in grains come from complex carbohydrates. Current dietary recommendations say that 60 to 65 percent of daily calories should come from carbohydrates. That’s about 6 one ounce servings for a 2000 calorie intake. Around two-thirds of the calories in grains come from complex carbohydrates. Current dietary recommendations say that 60 to 65 percent of daily calories should come from carbohydrates. That’s about 6 one ounce servings for a 2000 calorie intake. Grains are also a rich source of protein. Yet, the body can't live on grains alone. Most are not complete proteins, since they are missing one or more of the essential amino acids, usually lysine. Grains are also a rich source of protein. Yet, the body can't live on grains alone. Most are not complete proteins, since they are missing one or more of the essential amino acids, usually lysine. Grains are great sources of: fiber, zinc, iron, folic acid, minerals, and B-vitamins. Eating whole or multigrain breads and cereals increases dietary fiber and has been associated with lowering “bad” LDL’s and raising “good” HDL levels which affect cholesterol levels in the blood. High cholesterol has been associated with coronary artery and other vascular diseases and stroke. Grains are great sources of: fiber, zinc, iron, folic acid, minerals, and B-vitamins. Eating whole or multigrain breads and cereals increases dietary fiber and has been associated with lowering “bad” LDL’s and raising “good” HDL levels which affect cholesterol levels in the blood. High cholesterol has been associated with coronary artery and other vascular diseases and stroke. Grains are naturally low in fat. Grains are naturally low in fat.
Parts of a Kernel of Grain Bran- the outer protective covering a good source of vitamins and fiber Bran- the outer protective covering a good source of vitamins and fiber Endosperm- largest part of the kernel. Contains starch and the protein Endosperm- largest part of the kernel. Contains starch and the protein Germ- the reproductive part of the plant. Rich is vitamins, minerals, protein, and fat Germ- the reproductive part of the plant. Rich is vitamins, minerals, protein, and fat
WHEAT Most widely used grain in breadmaking – only grain that contains GLUTEN – a protein which gives bread its structure Wheat is MILLED to produce flour and ENRICHED to replace lost vitamins and minerals Types of flour: 100% wholewheat (whole grain) White Flour – made by sifting out the bran and germ Bread flour – high protein/gluten (hard wheat) Cake flour – low protein/protein (soft wheat) Self Raising flour – raising agent/salt added Other wheat products: COUSCOUS, BULGAR, CRACKED WHEAT, DURUM SEMOLINA
Versatile crop used since Aztec/Inca and native American civilizations first cultivated it Used in many forms: sweetcorn, dried corn, hominy or grits (soaked in lye to soften husk), polenta, cornstarch, cornmeal, masa harina (tortillas) and breakfast cereals Processed to make HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP which is added as a cheap sweetener to many packaged/processed foods Also processed as one of U.S. largest cooking oil crop – corn oil Like most cereals can be “puffed” by high heat, creating POPCORN CORN
Low in fiber, makes it the most easily digested grains One of oldest cultivated grains Has low gluten content making it bad choice for breadmaking but good for gluten intolerant diets Also sold as pearl barley, used in soups and stews Has tripled in production in last few years, added to many multigrain breads, cereals and energy bars BARLEY
“Oat Rush” on the 1980’s changed the face of this grain once used as horse feed Oat production for food has tripled over last two decades Scientists discovered that it had ability to lower LDL and raise HDL, therefore improving cholesterol levels – since then the US has added oats to the diet in many forms – cereals, oatmeal, oatbran, granola bars, muesli, cookies and multigrain breads OATS
Eaten by over a third of the world’s population as a staple food Brown rice is any rice that has been hulled but not lost its bran Polished rice has lost most of the nutrients but takes much less time to cook Comes in following forms: Brown Rice Enriched white rice – long grain Short grain or arborio rice (risotto) Fragrant rice – basmati, jasmine Wild rice – actually a native grass Rice flour RICE
Strong flavored, hardy grain grown in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia Used to make rye bread, pumpernickel, sour dough breads and crispbreads Tough kernel needs to be cracked, soaked and ground finely to be digestible Low gluten content of rye produces dense loaves, usually blended with wheat flour RYE
Ergot A fungus found on rye which can cause A fungus found on rye which can cause convulsions and/or gangrene convulsions and/or gangrene
Grows in large quantities in Eastern Europe Used to make KASHA, a wholegrain breakfast cereal (often puffed) Also used to make pancakes (called BLINI) BUCKWHEAT
WILD RICE Is not an actual rice but a cultivated grass bearing edible seeds Is not an actual rice but a cultivated grass bearing edible seeds Native to Minnesota it is manually harvested which makes true wild rice very expensive Native to Minnesota it is manually harvested which makes true wild rice very expensive
AMARANTH sacred grain of Aztecs sacred grain of Aztecs complete protein (contains all 10 EAA’s) complete protein (contains all 10 EAA’s)
QUINOA ancient grain of the Incas ancient grain of the Incas also complete protein also complete protein used in salads and multi grain bars and cereals used in salads and multi grain bars and cereals known as the SUPERGRAIN known as the SUPERGRAIN
KAMUT Relative of wheat grown in Egypt in ancient times Relative of wheat grown in Egypt in ancient times
MILLET Cooked and eaten like rice Cooked and eaten like rice
SPELT Grown in Europe for over 9000 years Grown in Europe for over 9000 years
TEFF Ancient grains of Greeks and Ethiopians – known as “lovegrass” Ancient grains of Greeks and Ethiopians – known as “lovegrass” Thought to increase bravery and strength Thought to increase bravery and strength
TRITICALE High protein man made grain produced by cross breeding wheat and rye High protein man made grain produced by cross breeding wheat and rye Did not go on the commercial market until 1970 Did not go on the commercial market until 1970 It has not caught on with the general public It has not caught on with the general public