Hungary's Government is different from other countries. The government can sometimes curl The government isn't always that good People will tell the truth for the law and do things for the environment
The governments job is usually going to do as people want. The democracy is to find and inform the place they want the job. They are about the Rich Text format. The government of Hungary is good and ok but there is a lot of tourism.
There was a 1997 pension Other taxes include a value-added tax (VAT), a property tax, and a community tax. In the most recent year, overall tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was 37.3 percent. Total government expenditures, including consumption and transfer payments, are extremely high.
Foreign investment has tolled more than $17 billion through Hungary's economic freedom score is 66.8% Making its economy the 44th freest in the 2009
they have many different things in their country. they have many different types of food (fish head soup) Hungary's main language is Magyar (Hungarian). Hungary has 4 main religions and they are Roman Catholic, Calvinist, Lutherman, and Greek Catholic
Water Polo is water volley ball. (sports) Holidays are different to like their Christmas They Clift dive Golf is also a sport that they do
The land forms of Hungary are manly flat lands. Hungary has lots of hills but only one mountain. I would say that Hungary is a flat land place. The hills are important to the Hungarians
water fills in the crevasse from the land so then when it rains it fills with water So they need hills and mountains for farming. They have one mountain and many hills. Hungary has lots of water and that’s because of all the hills form ditches for the water.