IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3) 6. The Way to the Father (14:4-6) 7. The Oneness with the Father (14:7-11) 8. The Performance of Greater Works (14:12-15)
a. Because I Go to the Father (v. 12) b. Because You Ask in My Name (vv ) Read Jn 14: The second reason why the disciples will be able to do “greater things” is that whatever fruitful works the disciples will be able to do is the product of their prayers, prayers that are offered in the name of Jesus.
~ Jesus is teaching here a very clear connection between works and prayer. However, only prayers uttered in Christ’s name are promised an answer. ~ Many Christians, unfortunately, misunderstand this prayer, thinking that praying in Jesus’ name is merely attaching the phrase to end of their prayers.
~ But prayers uttered in Christ’s name, first of all, are prayers with Christ’sinterest in mind. ~ Secondly, these are prayers of faith that are according to God’s will and for His glory. ~ Moreover, a prayer in Jesus’ name is a prayer that is consistent with whatever He has revealed concerning Himself, consistent with His character.
Such prayers will always and most definitely be answered, for the one who utters it only wants what Christ wants! ~ And when that kind a prayer is answered, the Father, who abides in the Son, will do His works, resulting in the Father being glorified in the Son (Jn 14:13b).
One more thing to note: Christ Himself will grant this prayer of His disciples: Jn 14:14. ~ Jesus here is telling us that He is the One in whose name prayer must be offered, while also being the Object of prayer. ~ This, in turn, tells us that He is the Hearer of prayer and, therefore, the Answerer of prayer!
D.A. CARSON: “This demonstrates that the contrast in v. 12 is not between Jesus’ works and His disciples’ works but between the works of Jesus that He himself performed during the days of His flesh, and the works that He performs through His disciples after His death and exaltation.” ~ AFTER THE RESURRECTION, CHRIST’S ROLE AS MEDIATOR EXTENDS EVEN TO THE PRAYERS OF HIS FOLLOWERS.
Again, it is important to remember that such prayer is always connected with and in relation to the Father for the simple but consistent reason that Christ’s purpose as the Son, even as He answers the prayers of His disciples, has always been to bring glory to the Father (v. 13). ~ He enables His disciples to do “greater things” so that He may bring glory to the Father through them.
How precious and most important the message here is to the believer: THE GLORIFYING OF GOD’S NAME IS THE AIM OF EVERYTHING. Asking in Jesus’ name means more than just attaching a required phrase at the end of hasty and often self-centered prayers. ~ We should never take lightly the privilege of approaching God “in Jesus name”.
~ At the same time, we demonstrate maturity in our faith as we practice using Jesus’ name in ways which recognize His enabling power and His unlimited resources. However, lest we fall into the trap of hyper-faith teaching, we must keep in mind: Christ’s kingdom purposeChrist’s kingdom purpose Christ’s larger perspective Christ’s larger perspective
Christ’s requirement to follow HimChrist’s requirement to follow Him Christ’s promise of peace Christ’s promise of peace We are encouraged to bring all our requests to God. ~ When Jesus says we can ask for anything, we must remember that our asking must be in His name – that is, according to God’s character and will, and for His kingdom and glory.
~ God will not grant requests contrary to His nature or His will, and we cannot use His name as a magic formula to fulfill our selfish desires. ~ If we are sincerely following God and seeking to do His will, then our requests will be in line with what He wants, and He will grant them.