Problems of development of high performance infrastructure for scientific center S. Shikota 1, A.Yu.Menshutin 1,2, L. Shchur 1,2 1 Department of Applied Network Research, Scientific Center Chernogolovka RAS 2 Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, RAS GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia
high performance infrastructure to design, to build, to develop … the information and telecommunication infrastructure of scientific center … to bring the advanced information and telecommunications resources to researchers, just on their tables motivation
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure ways to go integration of IT resources (constructed in research centers and labs) into the virtual organization for the collaborative research development of infrastructure for specific research field to bring to each researcher the possibility of the remote access to the resources, builded and supported by the third party in the first case it is concept of the virtual organization, and in the second case it is the concept of the shared resource (portal, hub, …)
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure why to do concurrency in research, especially in the well financed areas, like energy research, material study, nano science, … – one needs the fast dissemination of results, access to the research results, short research cycle globalization of research process education (reproduction of human resources), while the information accumulated and renewed fast critical mass of research group large scale of computations and of data management
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure workflow of the member of research group exp-research, th-research, simulations, data management and visualization group seminars and workshops presentations, talks, publications discussions grants and applications education (preparation of materials, lectures, seminars, research) professional activity ( boards, councils, expert work, referee work, administration)
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure what to use open source software hardware-software approaches IaaS - Insfrastructure as a Service PaaS - Platform as a Service SaaS - Software as a Service
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure 4K wall
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure videogrid in cloud
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure comp phys hub Computational physics hub PaaS simulations and data storage on clusters, grid, cloud, etc.
GRID-2012, July , 2012 Dubna, Russia high performance infrastructure to whom researcher oriented approach to bring the advanced information and telecommunications resources to researchers, just on their tables