Vision: Sustainable development for Cambodia
Status of civil society Internal and external demands Contributions of CCC members to development in Cambodia in 2014 Perspectives on financial sustainability for CSOs in Cambodia Questions for discussion Outlines
National strategic development plan (NSDP) Implementation Program 3-II (IP3) UN SG Synthesis Report on Post 2015 Development Agenda for CCC’s CSO contribution report National Assessment on CSO Enabling Environment, CCC 2013 Oxfam’s recent study report: Future Roles of INGOs in Cambodia and Political Economy Analysis of Civic Space in Cambodia References
At end of 2013: 4504 NGOs (534 International NGOs) NGO Census 2012: only 1315 are active More than 10,000 community based organizations and informal groups/associations established. 5 NGOs registered in Cambodia
Empowerment and Advocacy Watchdogs Development actor and Mobilize Resources Services Delivery Networking and Coalitions Pillar of Good Governance NGO Roles in Cambodia Poverty and Inequality Reduction Technology Socials Economics Political/ Policies Laws (moral, HR and policies) Environment
More institutional effectiveness, governance and accountability – governance structure for the sector Enhance quality of collaboration and collective efforts within the sector in addressing common prioritized issues Promote financial independencies and sustainability Reshape working approaches, not business as usual Internal Demands
Political landscape: Political polarisation, and weak political, democratic institutions, corruptions, shrinking space Socio-economic inequality: Patron-client business relationships, rapid economic growth-a lower middle-income country), socio-economic gap continues to be wide, and social norms and values have changed rapidly Conflict over resources: Land issues, mining, forestry, youth, etc. External Demands
CCC Members and their Importance
CCC Members Growth from
627 projects around the country, 21 difference sectors In year 2014: US$ 376,324,403 Plan for (34) 2015: USD$ CCC Members' Contribution to the Development of Cambodia in ,650 employed staff 18, 401,440 cases
85% of funding sources for local NGOs are from foreign aid Decreasing grants, increasing loans Donor shift priorities and country focuses New finance development cooperation modality, including south-south cooperation Increasing local philanthropy, but lack of mechanism to manage it Financial Sustainability?
Unit’s name: Fundraising 2C2A : “Fundraising Capacity, Consultancy, Advocacy, Awarding” Goal: To reduce the risk of funding issues and secure the life of CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs in Cambodia for sustainable development. Fund Raising Unit
1.Enhance the fundraising capacity development of CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs in Cambodia 2.Strengthen and advocate for the contribution of government and private sector into trust fund for CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs in Cambodia 3.Increase national and international resource mobilization and networking for funding securities through the fundraising award program The Unit’s Objectives
What are the new trends which may affect civil society organizations in Cambodia? How can we manage the effect of the new trends and ensure the financial sustainability of civil society organizations in Cambodia? Putting people at the center is the best way to facilitate development. How can we link the issues with grassroots people to improve development effectiveness? Discussion
Vision: Sustainable development for Cambodia Thank You!