"What seemed impossible for centuries, what was merely a bold dream yesterday, today is becoming a real challenge, and tomorrow it will be an achievement." S.P.Korolyov The University's Strategic Target "To join the ranks of the world's leading research and education centres, to create an environment which raises researchers, designers, innovators and leaders in industry" The University's Mission "Generation of new ideas and engineering solutions based on the outcomes of fundamental science, education through research, transfer of technologies into aerospace and other high-tech sectors of economy"
UniversityCountry QS World University Rankings Number of Students Faculty Number Student/Faculty Ratio QS Overall QS Engineering and Tech 2013 Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology South Korea National Tsing Hua University Taiwan Rice University USA Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Saudi Arabia Samara State Aerospace University RussiaN/A QS – World University Rankings Place QS ranking by subject area Engineering and Technology Place Number of articles per faculty* Units Average citation index per faculty* Units Share of international faculty % Share of international students % USE grade point average Score Share of off-budget revenues % Indicators Our Reference Universities * 5 year cumulative
SSAU international laboratories 4 Centres of Excellence Revenue from R&D RUB 2 bln 80 faculty members from international labour market 7% of post-doctoral positions 27 accredited international programs 105 courses taught in English Participation in 4 mega-projects AMBITIONS World's leading research university in the area of aerospace and other complimentary breakthrough technologies which is among the world's 100 best universities according to QS ranking for Engineering and Technology An international interdisciplinary science and education hub A unique university which allows its students to carry out applied research on satellites A research university of advanced technologies, which is highly attractive for prospective students due to the high graduate job placement rate A system for selecting the most talented students through the Centre for Talented Children, Lyceums, Olympiads and competitions Partnership with universities and research institutions across Europe and North America in the field of aerospace Educational programs for prospective students from the so-called N11 developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America Strategic partnership with key international corporations and large regional businesses in a wide range of industries, specifically focusing on high-tech joint research projects A new campus of SSAU is going to be launched in located only 15 minutes from the Central Campus through an underground link. This campus will house all new areas of the university's activities and become a hub of Russian and international interdisciplinary research activities. After 2020 University will continue to develop new campus area on the territory of 100 Ha. SSAU' New Campus Scheme Goals and Ambitions
Establishment and development of Centres of Excellence SSAU has prioritized several main research areas that are expected to be prospective in a long-term. These areas are closely linked with the latest industrial innovations and application of cross-sector break-through technologies. At present, SSAU runs a Centre of Excellence in Aerospace Engineering, an area in which it accumulated a world-class competences. Important element is linkage of research with development and even production. Currently SSAU has development and production facilities where research results are converted into practical products for aerospace and high tech industries. This provides unique learning and innovation platform for the students and researchers. SSAU plans to open 3 more Centres of Excellence stemming from the 10 main prospective research areas. The prospective research areas 1.Space Engineering 2.Bioengineering and Biomedical Systems 3.Advanced Materials and Technologies 4.Machine Dynamics and Vibroacoustics 5.Fundamentals of Engineering Sciences 6.Supercomputing, Information Technologies and Geoinformatics 7.Image Processing and Computer Optics 8.Micro- and Nanoelectronics, instrument engineering 9.Aeronautics 10.Propulsion Engineering Enhancement of research and research focus diversification will be performed by: Attracting the highly talented and experienced faculty an researchers from all of the nearest universities in the Samara Region and by attracting the most outstanding young scientists from the international market Setting up an interdisciplinary research and education centre in partnership with Russian and foreign universities Integrating with Russian Academy of Science (RAS) institutes (it is expected that the institutes will join SSAU, consequently resulting in a substantial increase in the number of SSAU’s publications) Initiating and participating in a number of major projects on a global scale (mega-projects) Motivating the faculty to publish articles in journals indexed by WoS and Scopus Setting up a Centre for Commercialization and Entrepreneurship to strengthen relationship with business and capitalize on research results Plan for attracting faculty Faculty attracted from SamSTU Faculty attracted from RAS Faculty attracted from Russian universities (including Samara Region) Attracted world-class faculty Visiting Professors Total number of faculty Share of publishing faculty (SSAU), %15% 17%30%50%60%70%80% Total number of publications Radar of Ambitions Diversification of Science and Concentration of Resources
In the field of education services, SSAU plans to focus on the same targets and objectives that have been set for the research areas: diversification and development of educational programs focused on the advanced research areas and programs with the greatest potential to be applied in the real sectors of economy. Furthermore, SSAU will conduct a rigorous assessment for all its programs, consequently deciding to downsize those programs that are not relevant and are ineffective. The main focus will be on the development of project-oriented educational system which is already being successfully used in a number of SSAU’s educational programs. A distinctive feature of SSAU's educational programs will be the following: education through scientific research in which students will take part in scientific projects led by SSAU’s researchers. To achieve the set goals, SSAU plans to deploy new educational technologies that take into account such trends as ccontinuous, practice-oriented educational technologies, project- oriented technologies (CDIO approach), computer-assisted distance learning, multi-level educational trajectories. Attraction of international students will be done by means of promotional tours, work with recruiting agencies, creation of a multi-language website, as well as participation in international educational exhibitions. A substantial role in attracting international students is going to be played by an emerging applied Program on operating foreign civil and Russian military equipment at the Training Centre which has been established to train operating engineers, pilots, and aviation maintenance personnel. SSAU will focus more on the education in laboratories. In doing so, the number of Bachelor Degree students will be reduced with a simultaneous 3-fold increase of the number of Master Degree students - up to 1500 people - and 2-fold increase of post-graduate students - up to 700 people. The university is planning to develop the competences of its Employment Centre staff to transform it into a full-fledged Centre of Career Development, which will serve as a link between SSAU and potential employers; will help the students in their professional development from the first days of their studies, will carry out market research, will be responsible for transformation of SSAU as a university interested in the career development of its students and alumni. An important task is to attract more talented students. SSAU plans to launch a Centre for Talented Children in order to develop a system of preparatory classes in specialized schools, as well as develop a training system resembling Olympics. The Unified State Examination grade point average is expected to increase from 71, its current value, to 77, the target indicator in Share of international students in SSAU’s core educational programs To enter the global higher education market, SSAU needs to design a competitive set of core and additional education programs, including joint and double-degree programs. One of SSAU's most important goals is to develop programs, in which a diverse set of international students would interact and share their experience. By 2020, at least 30% of students will participate in international student exchange programs. Education through Research
SSAU will actively work on developing its staff. HR department which includes Recruitment and Selection Service will be launched which will additionally work on international recruiting. The qualitative composition of the faculty will be changed - the share of leading research professors (TOP) will increase reaching 7%, the share of research lecturers will increase reaching 55%, while the share of teachers focused solely on training will be reduce to 20%. As a result, 80% of faculty will be actively publishing in international journals. SSAU has already started a reform introducing the system of effective contracts for faculty and administrative staff, which will ensure that each employee has defined goals and performance measures. Regular faculty and administrative staff assessments are planned with further optimization of staff composition. In order to ensure smooth communication and interaction between SSAU’s faculty and other employees and foreign partners, faculty and administrative staff, SSAU will ensure that all faculty members develop sustainable competences of communication in the languages of the relevant international networks and scientific communities. Primarily SSAU will focus on increasing the number of faculty members who are fluent in English. Overall, SSAU’s staff foreign language proficiency should be significantly advanced from the current 36% to 90% in SSAU's recruiting practice will include engaging in research, educational and administrative work of talented graduates both from SSAU and from the leading international universities. Specialist recruiting from the leading business structures, as well as recruiting with the help of specialized international agencies and open competition for vacant posts will be used. Recruitment policy will be aimed on attraction of the leading scientists, who will be at the head of new Centres of Excellence and main University’s laboratories. By 2020, the average age of staff will significantly decrease due to active recruiting of young researchers from SSAU and due to inviting younger faculty from the leading research institutions both in Russia and abroad. Staff composition and motivation
In order to align the envisaged reforms with the administrative capacity and internal governance processes, SSAU will conduct a major project on improving its organizational structure and operations process. SSAU plans to build up a new management system based on the internal and external performance assessments of all the processes, including assessment of each employee and the development of the university self-administration, such as involvement of active University community members in managing the Program projects. In order to speed up implementation of reforms and manage change, SSAU will seek assistance from external consulting and auditing professionals. To achieve its goals, SSAU has built up a Supervisory Board (headed by D.O. Rogozin), a Board of Trustees and an International Expert Board. The target management system at SSAU will be based on the following principles: Сlear split of responsibilities among top management and cascading it down to lowest levels of management. Increased authority and responsibility of the heads of structural divisions in achieving the desired results at the required time in various spheres of the university activities. Strengthening cross functional/cross disciplinary/cross divisional cooperation. Selection of staff for the key management positions will be performed by means of open competition and recruiting (including international recruiting) with the help of the leading recruiting agencies. Reasonable decentralization of management (optimal delegation of management functions from the top managers to the heads of structural divisions, distribution of decision-making process without losing control over management and executive discipline, provision of resources necessary for the implementation of the delegated authorities). Setting up new divisions (HR Department, Marketing Department, Career Development Department), as well as special services for assisting undergraduate and post-graduate students, trainees and young faculty. Development of the Project Office, which will serve as the coordinator and champion for the implementation of the Global Competitiveness Program. The Director of the Project Office will serve as Chief Change Officer for the Competitiveness Program implementation and will, thus, be given adequate authority and responsibilities. Reorganization of the management system Strategic goals
Regarding SSAU’s "quick wins“, the primary focus will be the introduction of faculty incentive system in order to boost the number and quality of international publications. There is also a potential for increasing the number of publications by means of translating and revision those articles which have been already written for journals not indexed by Scopus. Many of such articles are relevant to the current scientific debates in the indexed journals. Creation of the marketing and communications strategies. Encouraging SSAU’s faculty participation (as speakers) in international conferences. Setting up a centre for assisting faculty in development high-quality publications. Establishment of a Marketing Department which will implement marketing and communications strategies (focusing on the development of SSAU’s internet presence). In this respect, of great potential is coverage of launching students' satellites (two Aist satellites have been already launched) and involving students from international universities to participate in such programs. Creation of a multi-language web resource will be based on SSAU's existing web site, which will be constantly updated and will present all information of current interest. The consolidated budget for the Global Competitiveness Program by 2020 amounts to RUB mln, among which: government subsidy: RUB 9,511 mln. off-budget and raised money: RUB mln. co-financing from Samara Region: RUB 1,965 mln. To obtain the funding, SSAU plans to increase the share of the university's raised money by means of expanded offer of core and additional education programs, intensified research ordered by businesses and government structures, commercialization of research results with the help of the Centre for Commercialization and Entrepreneurship at SSAU. In addition: The government of Samara Region has also committed to allocate SSAU RUB 5 bln for the construction of the new campus. SSAU’s own funds for financing the construction of the new campus - RUB 2 bln. SSAU considers that funding from other sources for the new campus will come from big companies (Roskosmos, Rostekhnologii, Gazprom and others) - RUB 1-2 bln. Finance SSAU’s Promotion SSAU revenue structure forecast