Analyze the critical approaches to explaining crime.
Labeling Theory- emphasizes the criminalization process as the cause of some crime. Criminalization process- the way people and actions are defined as criminal(How people become criminals)
Secondary Deviance- costs of crime following the 1 st criminal act and the acceptance of a criminal label. Primary Deviance- causes of initial criminal acts are vague. Stigmatized- negatively labeled from a criminal act Self-fulfilling Prophecy- self image defined by a label Reintegrating Shaming- Disappointment is expressed for offenders actions
Conflict Theory- society based on conflict between competing interest groups Power differentials-ability of some groups to dominate other groups in society. Relative Powerlessness- the inability to dominate other groups in society
Radical Theory- theories of crime causation that are generally based on Marxist theory of class struggle Class Struggle- competing among wealthy and poor people which causes crime
Left Realist- social scientist who argue that critical criminologist need to redirect their attention to the fear and the very real victimization experienced by working class people (Focus on Fear) Peacemaking Criminology-solutions to all social problems are transformation of human beings, mutual dependencies, creating communities of caring people, universal social justice( Change people by changing their environment)
Feminist Theory- focus on women’s experience and seeks to abolish men's control over women’s labor and sexuality. Postmodernism- are of critical thought which, among other things, attempts to understand the creation of knowledge, and how knowledge and language create hierarchy and domination (hierarchy can cause crime)
Article plus Questions Omit #1 Website: Show how labeling can cause more problems 4 Corners Sex offenders should have to Register with Megan’s law