Fossil Fuels By: Samantha Humphrey, Taylor Schornick, and Jose Ramirez
Warm Up Name a fossil fuel that you use daily in you life, and what it is used for
How they are created Fossil Fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plant and animal life that existed a long time ago. As the plants and animals die and gradually get covered by sediment which weighs it into the ground. Over time the heat and the pressure turn it into fossil fuels (coal, oil, or natural gas). They are then drilled out of the ground and used for energy sources.
What are they used for? Fossil fuel burning powers our vehicles and industries, heats and cools our building, and runs appliances. It also produces electricity that we use for all sorts of purposes, such as lights and computers.
Are they renewable? Fossil Fuels are non renewable. This means as soon as we run out of decomposed animals that we use for fossil fuels, then their will be no more for a long time. Since America uses Fossil Fuels for a large amount of energy, then we need to conserve these and not use them whenever nessacarry.
Pros of Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels are easily accessible since they are used and extracted so often. Fossil Fuels produce a lot of energy that America takes advantage of. Fossil Fuels are composed of amounts of carbon and hydrogen which make them very stable. They can be easily stored and transported from place to place. Fossil Fuels are also very inexpensive.
Cons of Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels can lead to high releases of Carbon Dioxide. They are non-renewable resources. Fossil Fuels can be extremely dangerous to those who work in that industry. The mining of fossil fuels can ruin the environment and can destroy habitats. Fossil fuels are very harmful to the environment and can cause oil spills, green house gasses, and acid rain. Fossil Fuels contributes to a large amount of pollution.
US Energy Consumption As you can see in the picture, most of the US’s energy comes from fossil fuels. They are very important to our economy.
Video about Fossil Fuels Make sure to pay attention to the video for the activity and the upcoming quiz.
Activity Name activities you do in your daily life. Then name in the other column which fossil fuel it used.
How to Conserve Energy WAY 1: Transportation - Try riding your bike instead of asking your parents to take you somewhere - Carpool with friends - Use public transportation (bus, train, subway, etc) WAY 2: Reduce, reuse, recycle! -Reduce: Try to cut down on using plastic bags -Reuse: Get a reusable water bottle in which you can refill throughout the day instead of finishing a plastic one and grabbing a new one out of the fridge. -Recycle: Recycle plastic bottles, newspapers, etc and encourage your family and neighbors to do so as well! WAY 3: Conserve electricity! Many of the ways you help the planet may not directly benefit you that is with the exception of conserving electricity. Turning off your lights helps you AND the planet by not only reducing your electricity bill but reducing fossil fuel usage! - Whenever you leave a room simply turn off a light. - Unplug your electronics when you’re not using them
Sources fossil-fuels/ fossil-fuels/