MEG 361 CAD Dr. Mostafa S. Hbib
Components of CAD/CAM/CAE Hardware and software enable interactive shape manipulation
Components of CAD/CAM/CAE ….
Software Components CAD CAD Software allows the designer to interactively Create, Manipulate, and Store the shape in the database
Software Components CAD examples Mechanical Drawing using AutoCad
Software Components CAD examples Architectural Drawing using AutoCad
Software Components CAD examples Geometrical Modeling
Software Components CAM CAM Software allows to facilitate the manufacturing process of the product cycle; Planning, Managing and/or Controlling the operations of product manufacturing.
Software Components CAM examples Output of NC Tool path Simulation
Software Components CAE CAE Software allows the designer to simulate and study how the product will behave.
Software Components CAE examples
Typical CAD/CAM/CAE Software
Windows Based CAD Systems PC Hardware has become incredibly fast and powerful. Software developers have begun Producing good software products taking advantage of the MS-windows graphics environment since 1996.
Windows Based CAD Systems.. Common Features Use the functions provided by MS windows 2000 look similar to other MS Programs users feel comfortable, learn to use them fast. Have Object Linking and Embedding capabilities ….. More ……
Windows Based CAD Systems.. Common Features Use “Component technology” i., e; the best key software elements are selected from among available software. Employ Object-Oriented technology: guides the user to give necessary input, save memory ( all data associated with a part stored in one file. ….. More ……
Windows Based CAD Systems.. Common Features The only difference is whether the constraints are solved sequentially or simultaneously. ….. More …… Provides capability of either ‘parametric modeling’ or ‘variational modeling’. both approaches allow a user to define a shape by using constraints instead of manipulating the shapes of elements directly.
Windows Based CAD Systems.. Common Features Internet support which allows remotely located users to communicate regarding the same part while marking up the part model on their screens.
Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Bahrain MEG 361 CAD Quiz # Model the part shown 10 points