By Tom Cocivera
Primary Goal The goal of this presentation is to get the backing for equipment and software to help with Create exercise programs Improving overall health of students Increase knowledge of exercise Promote good habit planning and incorporating technology
Web Based Fitnessgram 9 This software is an update to our Fitnessgram 8 A web-based data collecting software Teachers and students can access from home (when district allows) Gives students and teachers ability to ○ Track scores ○ Track progress ○ Saves Paper!
Fitnessgram 9 This would be used To help record and track progress Let students and families track progress Great way of incorporating technology and Physical Education Purchase through Pricing options for school districts after inquiry
Fitgoal Software This software enables us to Create files for students Schedules for at home workouts Examples for students Tracks progress All online Students can access it
Fitgoal Students can use at home Can be purchased at Priced at $49 a month
My Fitness Pal FFREE online calorie, activity tracker CCan be loaded onto phones SStudents create own login UUse to keep track of calories and calories burned
Omron GOsmart Pocket Pedometer These pedometers will enable students to measure Steps Distance Calories burned Fat burned Real time results
Omron GOsmart Pocket Pedometer Would use this during gym classes Students would place in pocket Record data and return to teacher at end of class Can be found online at retailers such as Amazon for $20 per unit
Simple Diagnostics Clever Choice Fully Auto Digital Wrist Heart Rate Monitor This Heart rate monitor will enable Students to see results instantly Incorporate Target Heart Rate Help meet exercise goals Easy to wear wristband Priced at $27.99 and available at Walmart
Omron Portable Body Fat Analyzer The Body Fat analyzer Uses electrical impedance to determine BMI in less than 7 seconds Will be used to help set student’s body composition goals Can be used to continue tracking goals and progress Easy to read display Athlete and Non Athlete Mode
Omron Body Fat Analyzer Cont. Will be used throughout the semester for students to provide actual results Priced at $30 at Walmart Only one needed for class
Can find the items on the following sites Pedometer- Walking/dp/B003NCSM3E/ref=sr_1_4?s=sporting- goods&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=1-4 Pedometer- Walking/dp/B003NCSM3E/ref=sr_1_4?s=sporting- goods&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=1-4 Digital-Wrist-BP-Monitor-with-350-Memory-with-PC- Link/ Digital-Wrist-BP-Monitor-with-350-Memory-with-PC- Link/ _ html?tag=mncol; _ html?tag=mncol;3 Fat-Analyzer/ Fat-Analyzer/