The Enemy of our Enemy is our Friend
For the next 3 classes we will be learning about the Loyalists and each one of you will be creating a comparison of what a Loyalist looked like back then in comparison to what one might look like today (using art, facebook page, collage..etc)
1. With your elbow partner, write the numbers 1-9 on a piece of paper with 2 rows between each number. 1.What do I see? What can I infer or say about this individual? What qualities to they share or not share with the other characters? 2. 3.
What do you think all these people have in common?
These are all images of UE (United Empire) Loyalists. Loyalists were all sorts of people, with not necessarily anything in common except that they decided to side with Britain during the American Revolution. They were farmers, clergy, lawyers, soldiers, craftspeople, former slaves, and recent immigrants to the 13 colonies. Some were poor, other were wealthy. Most were educated. All they had in common was that they had stronger ties to BR than to the American colonies.
Canadian Loyalists = American Traitors UE (United Empire) Loyalist = American Traitors Rebel = Patriot = Revolutionist Fence Sitter = Try to be neutral = Either with us or against us
RebelsGovernment & Loyalists
“Loyalty can sometimes be a fear of change.“ First Nation perspective? Old rich lawyer perspective? Slave perspective? New immigrant perspective? Religious perspective? Family perspective?
Type of LoyalistReasons to be Loyal to BR First Nation Trusted BR more than 13 Colonies. BR signed treatise with F.N. and gave them land and rights. 13 Colonies wanted F.N. land for themselves F.N wants to protect themselves and side with the winner (who will keep their promises) Old Wealthy Lawyer Believed in old BR law Didn’t want to risk livelihood and life against the BR empire. Wanted to keep his wealthy and social position
New Immigrant Used to old ways of empire Wanted empire protection and peace Wanted to work, not fight Left war to come to a new world Lots of land in British North America (BNA) Religious Perspective Strong religious ties to BR Religious freedom in BNA Protection Slave Wants freedom Wants land Wants to fight back against 13 Colonies Family Perspective Looking for Protection Want to raise family in peace Looking for land to make a living on and farm.
Read pages: text book to begin to understand various types of loyalists and their perspectives. Next class we will begin working on our projects, so think about how you may want to present loyalist perspective from the past with perspectives of today, based off of the reading (i.e. Lifestyle, portraits, living conditions, war vs. Peace...etc).