The Snowy Owl By: Abryana
Description Coloring: Size: Physical Characteristics: Source # 4 Male: Pure white Female: Brown spots, white Large owl! 53 to 66 cm. Weight: Av. 1,300 gr. Hard to see ear tuffs on top of tiny round head. Golden small eyes, black talons and beak. Baby owls have white down or fur for 10 (ten) days, then turns gray, but not legs and neck. Heavy coat, diurnal: They hunt in the day time. They’re very fat!( no wonder they look poof!)
Adaptations Physical Behavioral Source # 6, 9 ( body parts) Talons: They help the snowy owl catch their food they desire, like mice, and other things. Beak: helps tear flesh on the food it eats. ( mice, and small mammals) They have fluff feathers for their huge wings. When flying, the wings open and they fly. Eyes: great for night vision, and looking for prey. Wings: used for soaring in the air. They’re A.K.A the silent flyers. Gizzard: for swallowing the food they eat and send it to the stomach. Ears: they have GREAT hearing all because of their small ear tuffs they have! stomach: They use it recently for puking pellets. They have two stomachs, one for puke, and one for poop. Now that’s gross? No! It’s the way we live. They hunt small animals, or bugs like, mice, and crickets. There is a lot more bugs and stuff, but that’s two species. They also have GREAT night vision. Snowy Owls have very well known behaviors, and good body parts.
Habitat Snowy owls live in the Arctic Tundra (in the North) And are great hunters. The GREEN part represents where they live! They are my favorite owls! They will mostly find snow rabbits in the Arctic Tundra because rabbits are mostly capable of living in freezing temperature. Like ALL owls, they puke pellets; also known as Owl Puke. I love how they help us by eating dangerous animals; that’s why they have cool techniques. Source # 8 North America Australia Asia Africa South America Antarctica Europe Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean
Food Chain of the Owl Source #_________ Abryana 20 The sun gives energy to a plant and the plant is food for a rabbit and it’s food for the Snowy Owl; so that means the owl is the top of this food chain! The Snowy Owl is an owl that is best known for living in snow! I love owls, and I like this one a lot! If we don’t want them becoming extinct, we have to treat the Earth carefully!
Credits 4. Duncan, Dr. James. "Owls of the World." Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, George, Michael. "Owls." USA: The Child's World, Hammerslough, Jane. "Owl Puke." New York, NY: Workman Publishing, Gibbons, Gail. "Owls." New York, NY: Holiday House,