Digital Literacy Induction A roadmap of the journey in FE
The plan, the journey and where we are now Ellen Lessner, e-Learning Coordinator Abingdon and Witney College
Context Abingdon and Witney College – general FE College 10 miles from Oxford 5 campuses and students from HE to SLDD Staff with a range of IT and e-Learning skills
Listening to Learners? JISC -Learner experience of e-Learning Phase 1 & JISC Learning literacies in a digital age JISC Slida project Abingdon and Witney Digital Literacy Induction -
LSIS action research grant kick started DALLI Senior management backing and a cross college steering committee Student focus groups led to annual learner voice conferences DALLI was mandatory but students received a 2G memory stick on completion This is what we have done CLC Photography CC
2010 – Mandatory e-Learning CPD and 3 standards for IT Skills and e-Learning ALL new staff self assessed IT Skills Formalised the e-Learning Coordinator role and allocated additional time for 6 e- Learning Advisors for staff development Dedicated area for e-learning This is what Senior Managers did
Senior management Support Students Learner voice conference DL Induction E-Learning Advisors Timetabled 1-1 support Staff CPD Mandatory e-CPD New staff support Review process Digital Literacy
Are we there yet?
Senior management backing is the key to success It takes time to change the culture for staff and students Training and support for students and staff must be readily available Constant review keeps the process viable Questions? Summary
On your tables, in groups from similar institutions, discuss what you would put into an institutional digital literacy induction. Text the top 5 topics to:Text Start the text with AWC and then space Activity