Bottled Water Free UBC A Campaign for Water Alternatives
Why is it Important? Environmental Cost The annual fuel used to transport bottled water (around 2.7 billion litres) can power 1 million vehicles for a year 100,000 animals die every year because of plastic waste that isn’t disposed of properly
Why is it Important? Economic Cost Doesn’t make sense to sell a free commodity for such a high price The recommended eight glasses of water a day, at U.S. tap rates equals about $.49 per year; that same amount of bottled water is about $1,400
Campaign Proposal/Timeline January – February 20: Hold educational events and collect petition signatures March 1: Present petition to university March 15 (International Bottled Water Free Day): Aim for university’s commitment to a future date by which we will go bottled water free After March 15: Encourage installment/promotion of alternatives e.g. Waterfillz stations, water fountains, gooseneck taps
Strategy Research Budget Analysis Comparable cases Petition Boothing Outreach/Education Events Selling Reusable Water bottles Partnership
Why We Need AMS Support Greater representation of student body Resources and connections