Healthier School Lunch Menus: A Feasibility Study ENGL 212: Technical Writing Beaut Homsanit
Overview Introduction Methods Research Results Conclusion Effectiveness of Healthy Program Benefits of a Healthy Lunch Cost Efficiency Recommendations
Introduction Conduct a feasibility study on implementing a healthier and improved school lunch menu in the Anchorage School District. Research needed in order to determine the feasibility of this project focused on three criteria: Cost Efficiency Success of Programs in other Districts Benefits of a Healthy Lunch
Methods Researched local newspaper articles on school lunch reform in local schools. Researched school lunch program costs using the UAA/Consortium Library database. Researched the benefits of farm-to-school programs using the UAA/Consortium Library database. Distributed a thirteen question questionnaire to Anchorage residents.
The Problem with the School Lunch Menu In the school year, 36 percent of ASD students grades K-12 were considered overweight or obese. A nationwide study shows that about a third of children and teens are overweight or obese. A typical American elementary lunch consists of high- fat, high-sodium, and low-fiber foods. In 2011, First Lady Michelle Obama introduced the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which required schools to limit calories for school lunches.
Effectiveness of Healthy Programs In 2007, California schools set new nutritional standards for school snacks and eliminated sugar-sweetened drinks in high schools. California obesity leveled off at 38 percent. In Mississippi, new nutritional standards for snacks in vending machines and more physical activity declined obesity rate by 13 percent.
Benefits of a Healthy Lunch Eating a healthier lunch can improve learning. Healthy lunch can give children the energy they need to stay focused, pay attention in class, and learn the information presented to them after lunchtime. Providing younger kids with healthier school lunches would lead to healthier nutritional choices throughout their life. Good nutrition in the new program includes: calcium, potassium, and vitamin A and C.
Cost Efficiency Schools can increase revenue while promoting a healthy nutrition environment by: Applying for the six cents per lunch reimbursement with your State Child Nutrition Programs Analyze current paid meal and a la carte item prices to ensure they reflect the true cost of buying, preparing, and selling them, including indirect costs. Increase participating in the school meal programs Provide local foods.
Primary Research Should local foods, such as fruits and vegetables, be incorporated into the school lunch menu?
Primary Research Do you thing the public school system should provide healthy food options for kids?
Primary Research In what ways can we encourage kids to eat healthier at school?
Conclusion There are easy ways to decrease the cost of healthy food spending. Records has shown that healthy changes made by schools can help decrease obesity. Research and expert analysis proves that there are numerous benefits of a healthy lunch. There are ways that we can encourage healthy eating.
Recommendations A more comprehensive questionnaire is distributed to parents, teachers, and older students. Incorporating local foods and homestyle-meals. Reformulating old recipes. ASD provide classes on nutrition. As long as the kids are willing to cooperate, we should stick with a healthy lunch menu for a healthier generation.