MASTERS RESEARCH RENÉ ABRAHAMS Situational analysis of sport coaches within Gauteng Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) 8 October 2014
Introduction Majority NGOs are non-profit Sport for Social Change Network (SSCN) Nike in 2007 Social change through sport via NGOs Majority sports coaches not formally trained Government departments/federations for sport: 1) SASCOC 2) SRSA 3) CATHSSETA
Research Question What is the current situation regarding the professional and academic profiles of sports coaches within the NGO sector in South Africa and are these training programmes aligned with the South African National Sport and Recreation Plan ( NSRP )?
Aims & Objectives Determine academic & professional profiles of sports coaches in NGO sector Determine academic & professional profiles, as well as experience within NGO sector; Determine if qualifications are accredited with CATHSSETA Determine calibration level with various federations & other NGOs
Hypotheses NGOs play significant role Community members develop skills Offer coaching courses Coaches will have qualifications Not all accredited Training programmes linked to coaching framework
Literature Review SSCN Nike Aim for social impact through sport NGOs penetrate the heart & soul of communities Education & training Majority coaches have no formal education Require continuous education and training Three types: Formal, nonformal & informal
Literature Review cont. South African government sports departments SASCOC – controlling body for high performance sport SRSA – national governmental department CATHSSETA – responsible for skills development They work together to promote & develop sport and recreation fitness sector
Literature Review cont. South African coaching framework ( CF ) SRSA & SASCOC launched CF in 2011 8 year plan to restructure delivery of sport & recreation One main objective – educate & train sports coaches/administrators and technical officials Success depends on continuous action & cooperation
Research Design Descriptive with mixed method Questionnaire (first phase) Focus Group (second phase – if needed)
Sample SSCN = 42 members, but 33 are in SA 12 based in Gauteng Stratified purposive sampling used Sample size unknown as number of coaches vary Full sample only revealed as study commences
Delimitations SSCN members in Gauteng only Lessens the chances of too big a sample Onsite questionnaires & focus groups Timeous Clarify interpretation Full completion
Methods & Procedures Data collection procedure Questionnaires – biographical information, sport involvement, education & training etc. Adapted version of Prof Cora & Prof Hollander (2007) Focus Groups -In depth understanding of above information To be completed should further understanding be required
Data Analysis Qualitative results Manually coded using Atlas T.I Quantitative results Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statkon will assist in processing data
Ethical considerations Study is voluntary Participants cannot be forced Right to privacy, anonymity & confidentiality Withdraw at any time Informed that results may be distributed Right to access final results Informed consent (store for 3 years) Permission required to record focus groups
Significance Limited information available Identify what qualifications sports coaches have & what training courses are available Build information base to determine level of development
Scheduling MONTHTIMETASK 2013 August – DecemberFive MonthsConstruct Proposal 2014 January – MarchThree MonthsEdited proposal MarchSubmitted for ethical clearance JulyReceived ethical clearance August – OctoberThree MonthsStart of draft chapters October - NovemberTwo MonthsStart collection of data December - JanuaryTwo MonthsAnalysis of data (with Statkon) November – FebruaryFour MonthsEditing of chapters, insert results MarchOne MonthEditing of thesis AprilSubmit Final Thesis
Budget Thank you to CATHSSETA for the bursary It will assist in covering costs of: Personal vehicle for travelling: Petrol, maintenance, tolls Printing costs: questionnaires/draft chapters/final hardcover Language editing Stationery costs Telephone costs University fees
THE END Thank you