Romeo +Juliet Act 5 scene 1 By: Annie Boyenneh
Belthasar Romeo Apothecary CHARACTERS
Romeo, Romeo, Romeo oo
Where thy Friar letter?
I can’t wait no more
What news await Belthasar!
Oh Romeo what hurtful words I bring you. Lady Juliet is dead, lying in the Capulet tomb.
Is it true? Is Juliet really dead, get me my horse I leave here for Verona tonight
Be Patience sir, hold your peace
Leave me Balthasar, and do what I tells you. It there a letter for me?
No sir
No matter, be gone
Juliet! Tonight I shall lie with you, I will think of the quick destruction to take my life. I remember a pharmacist who lives nearby, I will go see him
I shall go see him now
Hey! Apotheca ry!
Who call my name?
I can see you are a poor men, I will give you 45 ducats, for a fast poison that will make a person die fast
I have a poison like that but it is against the law
You are a really poor men who look like he could die any time, and you are afraid to die?
You should know that the world is not your friend and so is the law, so take this money, and break the law
The reason why I am taking this money is because I’m poor, not because I want to take it
I can see you are a poor man that why I give you the money
Here, put it in a water and it can kill over 12 people in an instant
Here is your gold, the worse poison to men's souls, and commits more murders in this awful world, than these poor poisons that you're not allowed to sell.
I've sold you poison. You haven't sold me any. Goodbye bye something to eat and a cloth
Now I will go to Juliet Grave, that where I must use it