Child Labor Laws Minors who are under age 18: May be employed between the hours of 6 AM and 10 PM on days when they have school the next day.
Minors… May be employed between 6 AM and 12 Midnight on days that they do not have school the next day
Minors cannot : Be forced to work more than 6 days in a row Work more than 4 hours a day Accumulate more than 28 hours a week during school
Except for Minors that are… Students enrolled in a Cooperative Work Experience Program They may be employed six hours a day but still not to exceed 28 hours during a school week
When school is not in session, Minors may… Be employed any number of hours a day and up to six days a week
Minors may Never work in: Hazardous Industries unless they are enrolled in recognized Cooperative Vocational Training Programs
Illness and Vacation… Believe it or not, there is no law stating that employers must give you time off for holidays, illness, or vacation. These are decided upon through negotiation.
Breaks or Rest Periods New York State Law requires employers to give employees a 30 minute rest period after 5 hours of work
Performance Review Do you wonder how you are doing as an employee? You are legally allowed to examine your file and dispute items you feel are incorrect
Money, Money, Money Minimum Wage in NY State is $5.15 per hour. You should receive a list of the deductions taken from your gross pay.
Protect yourself… Sexual Harassment is ILLEGAL but unfortunately can happen to you! Report it!!!
Do a great job or else… Some possible reasons for Termination: Misuse of Equipment or Computers Excessive Absences and/ or Lateness Poor performance Fighting Foul Language Improper Attire Smoking
Workers Compensation You are covered under NY State Law for any injury that occurs while you are doing your job
NYS Disability Insurance If you are injured off the job you are covered under this NY State Law. Provides partial reimbursement of salary. Must be 18 or over to collect.
Unemployment Insurance In NY State you are entitled to this if you lost your job through no fault of your own. You have been employed during the year for at least 20 weeks.
Family Medical Leave Act FMLA grants women and men 12 weeks of time to take care of their family. This includes care for newborns or elderly parents. This Unpaid Leave says the employer must hold your job for you.
Employee Rights Are you now more aware of your rights as an EMPLOYEE?