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3 SICK/VACATION DAYS Employers are not required to give time off for: Illness Vacation Holidays
5 PERSONNEL FILE You may view the materials in your personnel file in the presence of company officials.
6 PARKING Employees are required to park away from the entrance. These spots are reserved for customers/clients.
7 SEXUAL HARASSMENT NYS Employment Law provides protection against individuals who make your workplace uncomfortable.
8 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Employers shall not discriminate against: Age Gender Nationality
9 TERMINATION Termination may occur due to: Excessive absence Excessive lateness Poor performance Fighting Inappropriate dress Using drugs/alcohol Stealing
10 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE You are entitled to unemployment insurance if: You have been employed for at least 20 weeks & have lost the job due to no fault of your own HS Students are not eligible for unemployment insurance.
11 NYS DISABILITY INSURANCE Provides partial payment if injured off the job Employee responsible to pay the premium
12 WORKER’S COMPENSATION LAW If you are injured while on the job, NYS Worker’s Compensation Law provides coverage for you.
13 HAZARDOUS OCCUPATIONS There are 18 hazardous industries that minors are forbidden to be employed in. Some include: Excavation Operations Working with Explosives Working with Elevators Logging Occupations
14 FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Employers must provide unpaid leave for: Newborn Care (this includes adopted and foster children) Care for a Family Member with a Serious Illness Employee with a Serious Illness
15 BREAKS/REST PERIODS According to NYS Law, employers are required to given their employees a 30 minute break after they have worked five hours.
16 KEEP THIS INFORMATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! You have just learned about all of your rights as an employee. Keep this information handy, you may need it some day!