GALACTIC ASTRONOMY (I): SNe and SNR (II): PULSARS _____________________________ Jon Marcaide ASI, Castel San Pietro Terme, 18 September 2001
GALACTIC ASTRONOMY (I): SNe and SNR JON MARCAIDE ASI, 18 Sept 2001 Castel San Pietro Terme
Does radiointerferometry, and in particular VLBI, have anything to add to the picture?
SNR in M82 Muxlow et al. MNRAS 266, 455 (1994) Pedlar et al. MNRAS 307, 761 (1999) McDonald et al. MNRAS 322, 100 (2001)
SNR in M82 Muxlow et al. MNRAS 266, 455 (1994) (MERLIN 6cm, 50mas resol, 23 sources / 15 SNR candidates) Pedlar et al. MNRAS 307, 761 (1999) (EVN 18cm, 15mas (0.2pc), 5 SNR in detail, all size < 1pc; expansion of : 10,000km/s (1mas/yr); v( ) < 4000 km/s); ages ranging from decades to hundreds of years)
SNR in M82 Muxlow et al. Pedlar et al. McDonald et al. MNRAS 322, 100 (2001) (20-station VLBI 18cm, 3mas, deceleration of : m>0.73; vradial( )<2000 km/s; a compact, young SNR in a dense medium? Perhaps not.
NGC 2146 Tarchi et al. A&A (2000) (MERLIN+VLA-6cm, detect 18 sources, resolve 7; only 3 have spectral indices expected for SNR, others compact HII?)
M.A. Pérez-Torres, Ph. D. thesis, Univ. Valencia (1999) Pérez-Torres, Alberdi & Marcaide, A&A 374, (2001) Mioduszewski, Dwarkadas & Ball, ApJ (2001), in press
SN 1986J Bartel, Rupen, Shapiro ApJ 337, L85 (1989) Bartel et al. Nature 350, 212 (1991) Deviations from spherical symmetry