Safe Families 1 Online Safety for Computer Centers Bil Mooney-McCoy, Director, Safe Families TechMission
2 What is meant by “ONLINE SAFETY”? Safety: the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions. Some agent = the Internet Defined conditions = the Computer Center Adverse Effects Pornography Contact with Sexual Predators Other Dangers
3 Pornography: General Stats As of 2003, 1.3 million pornographic websites. (N2H2, 2003) The total porn industry - estimates from $4 billion to $10 billion. (National Research Council Report, 2002). Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction: 10% (28% are women). ( More than 20,000 child pornography images posted online weekly. (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 10/8/03). 1 out of every 6 women, including Christians, struggles with porn addiction. (Today’s Christian Woman, Fall 2003) 51% of pastors say cyber-porn is a possible temptation. 37% say it is a current struggle. (Christianity Today, Leadership Survey, 12/2001) At a 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, two thirds of the 350 divorce lawyers who attended said the Internet played a significant role in the divorces in the past year, with excessive interest in online porn contributing to more than half such cases. Pornography had an almost non- existent role in divorce just seven or eight years ago. -
4 Pornography: Youth-Specific Stats 9 out of 10 children aged between eight and 16 have viewed pornography on the Internet, in most cases unintentionally. (London School of Economics January 2002) Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography: 11 years old. ( Largest consumer of Internet pornography: age group. ( Adult industry says traffic is 20-30% children. (NRC Report 2002, 3.3) “Never before in the history of telecommunications media in the United States has so much indecent (and obscene) material been so easily accessible by so many minors in so many American homes with so few restrictions.” ---DOJ From a Kaiser Family Foundation survey of year-olds, a majority (59%) think seeing pornography on the Internet encourages young people to have sex before they're ready.
5 Online Perpetrators 1 in 5 children who use Chat rooms have been approached by pedophile online. ( 1/02) 2 in 5 abductions ages are due to Internet. (San Diego Police Dept.) 76% of victims in Net-initiated sexual exploitation cases were 13-15, 75% were girls. "Most cases progressed to face-to-face sexual encounters" - 93% of the face-to-face meetings involved illegal sex. (Journal of Adolescent Health, November 2004.)Journal of Adolescent Health
6 Other Dangers Many unmonitored, no parental approval required. Often rude, obscene, defamatory, very sexualized. Children tend to share personal and identifying information including pictures. Problematic Content Non-pornographic Sexual (sex ed, fine art, personal pages), Gore and Violence Pictures, Racist/Hate/Occult Organizations, Illegal Drug Use. Chat Rooms, Blogs and Message Boards Music, Videos, Software file sharing is usually illegal. Lots of exchange of pornographic files and other unsavory files. Prone to infecting computers with Adware and Viruses. Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
7 TechMission Safe Families Focused on protecting children in at-risk communities from pornography and other dangers on the Internet
8 Goals of the TechMission Safe Families Program TechMission is launching its Safe Families Program in 2005 with the goals of: – Providing training and educational materials for parents, churches, and community organizations in at-risk communities to protect their children online – Distributing over 100,000 copies of free Internet filtering software
9 Online Safety Program Checklist 1. Install Internet filtering software 2. Determine activities that will not be allowed 3. Develop and post Acceptable Use Policy 4. Train Center participants in online safety 5. Have regular participants sign AUP 6. Always have a lab monitor 7. Keep computers easily visible 8. Set homepages to kid-friendly search engines 9. Outline rules for staff and volunteers as well Download Word Version
10 Install Internet filtering software OPTIONS: A. Client-based Filtering – We-Blocker: Free – Norton Internet Security: $4/computer – Other software $20-50/year B. Router-based (Server-based) Filtering C. Monitoring Software Good for accountability or added protection Online Safety Program Checklist
11 Client vs. Router Based Filtering Client-Based FiltersRouter-Based Filters Installed on each machineInstalled on Internet Connection More difficult to maintainMore complex to administer Easier to have unwanted bypassHarder to have unwanted bypass Easier to enable staff-bypassDifficult to enable staff-bypass Adjustments to each machineAdjustments made centrally Online Safety Program Checklist
12 Free Client Internet Filtering: We-Blocker ( ( FREE! Windows only Customizable Online Safety Program Checklist
13 Discounted Internet Filtering for Labs Discounted filtering (Norton Internet Security 2005 for less than $4/computer via; labs only) Norton Internet Security 2005 is a suite of products that, together, provide firewall protection, Internet connection intrusion prevention, privacy tools, virus protection, spam filtering, and Web browser content filtering for your desktop computer. Online Safety Program Checklist
17 1 for $ for $ for $ for $98
18 Router Based Tools Zyxel HS-100 HomeSafe Router $50.00; $34.99/year for Cerberian subscription &indexcate1= &indexFlagvalue= Belkin Wireless G Router ( F5D7231-4) $60.00;$19.99/year for Cerberian subscription after 6 month trial Id=&Product_Id= Linksys Parental Control Router (WRT54GS) $75.00; $39.95/year to Netopia subscription Online Safety Program Checklist
19 Monitoring Software Doesn’t block, simply reports Sends to peers or accountability partners Red-flags questionable or objectionable web site visits Impractical in computer center, but useful for families or personal accountability Online Safety Program Checklist
20 Free Monitoring Software: X3Watch Monitoring Software FREE Ministry of Regularly sends list of questionable web visits to selected recipients Online Safety Program Checklist
21 For Fee Monitoring Software: Covenant Eyes Monitoring Software $6.99/mo. or less Pricing for households/ministry staff/businesses Regularly sends detail of ALL web visits to selected recipients Online Safety Program Checklist
22 Determine Banned Activities Pornography and Other Sexual Content Illegal Drug Use Promotion Hate Gore Occult Obscene Language By Content Online Safety Program Checklist
23 Determine Banned Activities Chat Rooms* Instant Messaging* File Sharing* Online Communities Games By Type * Not recommended by Safe Families Online Safety Program Checklist
24 Acceptable Use Policy Outlines responsibilities and privileges. Should be posted, reviewed and signed by all center clients. Needs to address illegal/questionable activities such as pornography, copyright violations, drugs, gambling, sexual solicitation, viruses, hacking, online harassment. Needs to determine if different standards will be implemented for children vs. adults. Consequences for violations should be clearly stated and practiced. Online Safety Program Checklist Sample AUP
25 Online Safety Orientation Orientation is for computer center participants. Review computer center acceptable use policy. Instructions for what to do if objectionable content appears. Safety Tips: – Instruct youth never to plan a face-to-face meeting with someone that they have met online. – Teach youth never to give out personal information. For elementary children, recommend 2 sessions, up to 1 hour each, 1-45 minute session for middle and high school, 1-30 minute orientation for adults. Online Safety Program Checklist
26 Resources for Children and Teen Activities for Online Safety Training Netsmartz ( WebsafeCrackerz ( WiredKids ( TechMission Safe Families – TechMission is developing an online safety curriculum for centers. Safe Families Sample Online Safety Lesson Plans Online Safety Program Checklist
30 Have participants sign AUP Keep signed copy on file For younger children, a simplified version may be used Online Safety Program Checklist
31 Other Practices Always have a lab monitor in the room when computers are being used, especially by children. Keep computers in public places, with screens clearly visible to staff. Online Safety Program Checklist
32 Change Home Page Online Safety Program Checklist For computers or user names used mainly by children, set their homepages to a kid- friendly search engine. Ask Jeeves for Kids Yahooligans OneKey Kids Click Education World ( ( ( ( (
33 Outline Rules for Staff & Volunteers Organizations are vulnerable to sexual harassment or hostile workplace lawsuits for allowing employees to view and download pornography Organizations can be liable to copyright owners for allowing employees to download files without owners’ permission Online Safety Program Checklist
34 Additional Resources SafeKids/NetFamily Newsletter Newsletter Safe Families’ Resource Section Families’ Resource Section
35 Future Safe Families Services Free Internet Filtering CD Internet Safety Presentations --for Center Participants --for parents --for pastors and ministry leaders Internet Safety Toolkit for Churches and Ministries