NC HealthSmart : Promoting Optimal Health and Wellness for SHP Members NC Medical Society Quality Subcommittee August 2009 Derek Prentice, MD, Consulting Medical Director Anne B. Rogers, RN, BSN, MPH, Director of IHM
What is NC HealthSmart? North Carolina HealthSmart is a population health initiative that aims to: Empower healthy members to stay healthy; Help those with chronic disease or disease risk factors to better manage their health; Offer integrated, cutting-edge resources and programs to members at work, at home, and through their health care provider
Guiding Principles of NC HealthSmart Reinforce and strengthen the patient-provider relationship Empower individuals to play active role in management of their health and health care Improve health of members and their families Improve quality of care Engage employers in health care issues Increase member satisfaction Stabilize Plan and member health care costs
NC HealthSmart Eligible Members Members eligible for NC HealthSmart services are members whose primary health insurance is through the NC State Health Plan (all except Medicare Primary).
HealthSmart Components 24/7 Health Coaching– Health Dialog Disease Management – Health Dialog Personal Health Assessment/Web Tools – Health Dialog Physician Support/Clinical Gap Identification – Health Dialog
HealthSmart Components Intensive Case Management/High Risk Maternity/NICU – SHPS ESKD/CKD Care Management – KidneyTel (formerly Renaissance HC) Health Promotion and Education SHP Staff/All Vendors/DHHS Worksite Wellness SHP/DHHS/Division of Public Health
NC HealthSmart Results Program Participation Clinical Impacts Member Satisfaction Provider Satisfaction
Participation Over 45,000 members (~ 9%) currently served by Disease and Case Management programs Representing ~25% of SHP expenditures Focusing on members with “coachable conditions” and members with the most need 2:1 ROI – Chronic Disease Trends report
Clinical Impacts Member adherence to clinical guidelines (meds, tests, exams) 92.4% asthma controller meds 82.1% CAD - lipid meds 77.0% diabetes - microalbuminuria tests 47.4% diabetes - eye exam Smart Registry and Provider Support Services
Member Satisfaction 85% Satisfied with Health Coach 93% Likely to Recommend Program
Provider Satisfaction [N = 234; ~3,000 surveys mailed] 77% are aware of NC HealthSmart 88% found the Provider Services Specialists helpful 79% found the SmartRegistry helpful 74% have a positive opinion of NC SHP as a result of NC HealthSmart
Worksite Wellness/Health Promotion Preventive Services Worksite Wellness Infrastructure “STAR” and “Highway to Health” Comprehensive Wellness Initiative (SL ) Tobacco Cessation Supports Weigh Less program expansion Benefit changes
Opportunities Disease and Case Management RFP Discussions with various stakeholders NCMS CCNC/DMA NCAFP BCBSNC
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