9/051 California Aviation User Taxes California Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics
2 California Aviation User Taxes 1.General Aviation (GA) Fuel “Excise” Taxes (assessed at refineries) 2.Sales and Use Taxes (collected by dealers) 3.Property Taxes and Possessory Interests (collected by Counties)
3 1.GA Fuel “Excise” Tax: Revenue Distribution State Transportation Fund, Aeronautics Account: State Operations: $3 Million Airport Credits and Grants: $4.6 Million Avgas Excise tax (18¢/gal): $5.2 Million Jet fuel Excise tax (2¢/gal): $2.4 Million $7.6 Million
4 2. Sales and Use Taxes a.Jet fuel sold for general aviation (GA) aircraft b.Jet fuel sold to airlines for air carriers c.GA aircraft sold by dealers
5 2. Estimated California Sales and Use Taxes: Jet Fuel and General Aviation (GA) Aircraft: $136 Million Note: For FY , 7.7% is the statewide effective sales tax rate. Source: California Board of Equalization State General Fund: $85.3 Million (63%) Local Public Entities’ Funds: $50.7 Million (37%)
6 3. Property Taxes and Possessory Interests: a.GA Aircraft: $65.7 Million b.Air Carrier Aircraft: $100 Million c.Possessory Interests (airport property leased to FBO’s, hangar owners, etc): $29 Million Distribution of Revenues: Education: School Districts Local Governments’ General Funds $194.7 Million
7 Estimated California Aviation User Taxes: $338.3 Million [$47.6M from Sales and Use Taxes, $194.7M from Property Taxes and Possessory Interests]
8 Issues Of the Aviation-Related Taxes collected annually, at most, $7.7 million (2%) is returned for aviation purposes In the recent past, Aeronautics Account funds have been transferred to the State General Fund to help close the budget gap Due to increased use of turbine-powered GA aircraft, Jet A fuel sales are increasing at the same time AV gas sales are decreasing, as a result funds available for return to aviation through the Division are decreasing