Marie Curie Conferences and Training on the Square Kilometre Array Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission
Main objective: train a younger community of researchers for the benefit of new instruments in radio astronomy
The programme features: A – Schools: Radio Astronomy Fundamental and the new instrument B – Astronomical Workshops: Scientific aspects of SKA(DS) C – Technical Workshops: Antennas and enabling technologies for SKA(DS) D – Mixed workshops: Science and instruments Duration of the Programme:3 years
A – Schools:Radio Astronom Fundamental and the new instrument Istituto di RadioastronomiaItaly Fundation General de la Universidad de AlcalaSpain Observatoire de ParisFrance
B – Astronomical Workshops: Scientific aspects of SKA(DS) Max-Planck-Institut fuer RadioastronomieGermany University of CambridgeUK
C – Technical Workshops: Antennas and enabling technologies for SKA(DS) ASTRONThe Netherland University of ManchesterUK
D – Mixed workshops: Science and instruments JIVE and University of Groningen The Netherland University of OxfordUK
First MCCT-SKADS Training School September2007 Medicina (Bologna, Italy) Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF) Presentations Proceedings POS Proceedings of Science
First MCCT-SKADS Training School September2007 Medicina (Bologna, Italy) Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF)
Thanks to: the Lecturers C. Fanti D. Dallacasa E. Natale G. Comoretto S. Tingay W. van Driel T. Muxlow L. Feretti R. Morganti C. Burigana A. Possenti P. Hall F. Perini M. Brentjens B. Ciardi C. Stanghellini A. Orfei S. Montebugnoli
Thanks to: Administration Staff Medicina Radio Station Staff
Thanks to: The Students
Bye from The Local Organizing Committee FrancoMantovani (Chair) GermanoBianchi MarcoBondi MarcelloGiroletti SimonaRighini TizianaVenturi