DC Comics Timeline By: Sarah Lewyn
DC Comics Golden Age of Comics Superman is created founded as National Allied Publications by Malcolm Wheeler- Nicholson Batman is created Wonder Woman is created Superman and the Mole Men is released First DC show called Adventures of Superman Silver Age of Comics
DC Comics The Flash (Barry Allen) is created The show Adventures of Superpup fails with a pilot episode Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) is created Batman: The Movie is released Batman TV show begins Warner Brothers purchases DC Comics Bronze Age of Comics It’s a Bird...It’s a Plane...It’s Superman! TV show begins
DC Comics Shazam! TV show starts Wonder Woman TV show starts Secrets of Isis TV show starts Superman is released Legends of Superheroes TV show starts Swamp Thing is released Superman III was released Supergirl was released 1985-present- Modern Age of Comics
DC Comics Superboy TV show Batman and The Swamp Thing are released The Flash TV show Swamp Thing TV show Human Target TV show Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman TV show Batman Returns are released Steel and Batman & Robin are released Justice League of America TV pilot
DC Comics Smallville TV show Catwoman is released Batman Begins is released Aquaman pilot TV show Superman Returns The Dark Knight Watchmen Jonah Hex
DC Comics Jonah Hex Human Target TV show Green Lantern Wonder Woman TV show pilot Arrow TV show Man of Steel