Instructions You must bring your own laptop, your presentation and a power supply Technical staff is present in all to assist with network, audio and video setup Speakers are responsible for presentation computer and demo equipment Please make sure your PC have correct video drivers installed. Be at your session no later than 30 min. Prior to your timeslot to setup your equipment Evaluation-slide will be send to you prior to Campus Days, which should replace the current Evaluation-slide Technical details All presentations should be 16:9 widescreen format Output connectors provided in all session rooms are: DVI, HDM, Micro HDMI, VGA For NON-Microsoft speakers: Own company logo is allowed on the Session Title slide only Sessions are non commercial – Please do NOT sell own products or services
Upgrade trends NAV 2013 R2 Automated Data Upgrade “The What, The Why, The How” Demo
Payment Processing Bank Reconciliation Bank Statement Import SEPA Direct Debit SEPA Credit Transfer Web-Service KPIs based on Account Schedules Payroll data import Incoming documents processing Batch sales invoices VAT clauses on printed documents Non-UI RapidStart package import Web client usability enhancements Web client design Administration capabilities Help Server Server Monitoring Multitenancy Microsoft Office 365 single sign-on Microsoft SharePoint applications Provisioning Tools for Windows Azure UI elements linked to the license XMLPorts improvements Automated data upgrade
NAV 2013 R2 FinSql.exe
NAV 2013 R2 NAV 2013 R2 Base Application
NAV 2013 R2
Upgrading the Application Code Identifying customized objects Merging code Upgrading the Data Company-specific data Data common to all companies Deleting unused tables
Upgrading the Data Company-specific data Data common to all companies Deleting unused tables Load the partner license Execute Upgrade Toolkit Step 1 (per company) Check the upgrade preconditions (per company) Remove all objects except tables Import and compile the new application objects Check the upgrade preconditions (per company) Execute Upgrade Toolkit Step 2 (per company) Convert the database to the current version Complete the data setup Upgrade data common to all companies Remove the Upgrade Toolkit objects Load the new customer license
Upgrading the Data Company-specific data Data common to all companies Deleting unused tables
We have provided Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners with an efficient tool for data upgrade and simplified experience, to significantly reduce the cost of upgrading of their customer. Customers get faster access now to the new and improved functionality in NAV 2013 R2
Tenant1 Tenant2 Application Tenant2
Tenant database synchronization with changes in the application database when mounting a tenant
New-NAVDatabase New-NAVServerInstance Remove-NAVServerInstance Set-NAVServerConfiguration Import-NAVServerLicense (UPDATED) Export-NAVApplication (NEW) Mount-NAVApplication (NEW) Mount-NAVTenant (NEW) Dismount-NAVTenant (NEW) Remove-NAVApplication (NEW) Get-NAVCompany (NEW) Invoke-NAVCodeunit (NEW) Upgrade-NAVDatabase (finsql.exe) (NEW)
Example.ps1 HowTo- Prepare NAVUpgrade Pipeline.ps1 HowTo- Upgrade NAVDatabase.ps1 HowTo- Remove NAVUpgrade Pipeline.ps1 Set- PartnerSettings.ps1
1. Prev Custom Version (2013) 2. New Custom Version (2013 R2) Convert database Compile all objects Import Upgrade Toolkit Step 1 1 Export application App1 Import Upgrade Toolkit Step 1 1 Import Upgrade Toolkit Step 2 2 Export application App2 Export application App3
Run Example.ps1 * Backup the database to be upgraded Fill in the parameters in Set- PartnerSettings.ps1 * If you run it in Windows PowerShell ISE, remember to import the NAVAdminTools module: Import-Module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\71\Service\NavAdminTool.ps1”
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Server instances New-NAVServerInstance … Set –NAVServerConfiguration … Set –NAVServerInstance … Remove-NAVLicenseFrom ApplicationDatabase … App1 Upgrade Pipeline NAV Server Instance 1 Nav 2013 App + UpgTk S1 Mount-NAVApplication … Upgrade Pipeline NAV Server Instance 2 App2 NAV 2013R2 App + UpgTk S1 + UpgTk S2 Upgrade Pipeline NAV Server Instance 3 App3 NAV 2013R2 App
Example.ps1 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Server instances Old Custom Version (2013) SQL backup Finsql.exe App3 Default Nav Server App3 App1 Upgrade Pipeline NAV Server Instance 1 NAV 2013 App + UpgTk S1 Upgrade Pipeline NAV Server Instance 2 App2 NAV 2013 R2 App + UpgTk S1 + UpgTk S2 Upgrade Pipeline NAV Server Instance 3 App3 NAV 2013R2 App
Rapid Start Quick, easy and streamlined configuration of customers.
Import the partner license into the SQL master table $ndo$srvproperty Restore the backup of the database to be upgraded Remove any license found inside the database Convert the database to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Remove the application tables from the database Mount the database to the NAV Server Instance1. Upgrade Toolkit tables added. Run the Upgrade Toolkit Step 1 for all companies in parallel Dismount the database from the NAV Server Instance 1. Save the old customer license (if stored in the $ndo$srvproperty table) into a temporary location
Mount the database to the NAV Server Instance 2. Data schema changes applied Run the Upgrade Toolkit Step 2 for all companies in parallel Import additional setup data if needed Dismount the database from the NAV Server Instance 2 Mount the database to the NAV Server Instance 3. Upgrade Toolkit tables removed Dismount the database from the NAV Server Instance 3 Merge the app. tables from the DB mounted to the NAV Server Instance 3 with the DB being upgraded If it was there before, put the old customer license back into the $ndo$srvproperty table, if not – remove partner license Restore the pipeline to the initial state. (General cleanup)
Fully automated Risk of errors is reduced Reduced downtime Repeatable upgrade
“I LOVE the script. I had to convert 2 databases (a Release and a DEMO database) and it went smooth “
Evaluation Create a Text message on your phone and send it to 1919 with the content: CN I liked it a lot Session Code Anca- Roxana Performanc e (1 to 5) Match of technical Level (1 to 5) Relevance (1 to 5) Comments (optional) Evaluation Scale: 1 = Very bad 2 = Bad 3 = Relevant 4 = Good 5 = Very Good! Questions: Speaker Performance Relevance according to your work Match of technical level according to published level Comments
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