If your group had more than 4 you must split up. In your groups: 1.On one sheet of paper with ALL of your names on it please define “publicity”. 2.Now think of the school and list 5 things that are publicized. Break Into Groups of 3-4 from your play groups
3. Look at your list and your definition. How have the things you listed been publicized? What methods are they using? 4. Which method seems to work the best? 5. Why does this method work best? 6. How do you think a play would be best publicized? List three examples. Publicity Brainstorming Continued
7. What information needs to go on a poster for a play? (There are at least 8 things) Make a list of items you think might need to be on a poster with your group. Theatre Posters
Title of the Show Playwright/ Author Venue/ Production Company Time Date Price of Tickets Publication Notice A “hook” such as an image, description, etc. Information Required :
Look at the poster for Fools. What’s missing?
Authors have the right to be picky about how their name appears in publicity. For example: Fools is written by Neil Simon and published by Samuel French, Inc. This is how Samuel French, Inc. expects you to print information for Fools: Where would you place the missing information on the Fools poster?
“ Samuel French requires that the name of the Author(s) must appear on a separate line in which no other matter appears, immediately following the title of the Play, and must be in size of type not less than 50% of the size used for the title of the Play. Credit to the author of the Play must be recognized in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play, and in all instances in which the title of the Play appears for the purposes of advertising, publicizing or otherwise exploiting a production therof, including, without limitation, programs, souvenir books and playbills. Also, the following must be printed in all programs and in all advertisements: Produced by Special Arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. New York City.” Sample Publication Notice
First, figure out who PUBLISHED the play. Check to see if it is listed in the front or back cover of the play itself OR if it is specified that the play is COPYRIGHT FREE. Next, see if they list publication requirements on their website. If you do NOT see any information regarding publication notices you should CALL or the publishing company to find out. Where do I find out what the publication notice requirements are?
8. List 3 design choices that you see in each of the following theatre posters. What do you see in the poster? How are these things laid out on the page? What do these things tell you about the play? How does the poster make you feel? Does it “hook” you into wanting to see it? Things to Consider
Wait Until Dark
9. Given the notes you have taken on the previous posters what are 4 things you should consider when designing a poster for a play? Designing Advertisements
Images: Should be copyright free or originals. They should also ADD to he overall design of the poster and TELL your viewer something about the show. Layout: Should be interesting, logical, and eye catching. Text: Should be easy to read from a distance of 4 feet. Make sure the important things are printed large enough and that your font is not so creative that it takes a detective to read it. Reproduction: How easilycan this poster be printed, translated into a T-Shirt, Program Cover, Keepsake, etc., Four Things To Consider
On your own you will need to design your own poster for the play you just presented in class: If you were in a play with more than 4 actors you should now have two groups. Each group will design its own poster You will need to include the 8 required items as well as follow the 4 things you should consider. Designing Your Own Poster