BELL WORK Why do you think people who are abused are afraid to get help?


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Presentation transcript:

BELL WORK Why do you think people who are abused are afraid to get help?


OBJECTIVES explain different forms of abuse. describe the effects of abuse on its victims.

ABUSE Abuse is a problem that affects people of all ages, skin colors, and economic groups. abuse The physical, emotional, or mental mistreatment of one person by another

ABUSE Abuse is a crime and is never the victim’s fault.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE The most common type of abuse is domestic violence. domestic violence Physical abuse that occurs in the family

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence is about power.

PHYSICAL ABUSE When the victim is a small child, the abuser often makes up excuses for the child’s injuries. Victims may make excuses for the abuser, which is called enabling.

EMOTIONAL ABUSE Emotional abuse uses words or gestures to mistreat another person.

EMOTIONAL ABUSE Emotional abuse may include yelling, bullying, teasing, or threats of violence.

NEGLECT Children are the most common targets of neglect, but elderly people and people with disabilities may also suffer neglect. neglect The failure to meet a person’s basic physical and emotional needs

EFFECTS OF ABUSE Abuse can leave emotional scars that remain long after physical signs have gone away

EFFECTS OF ABUSE Many victims of abuse go on to become abusers themselves.

PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES OF ABUSE Impaired brain development Impaired physical, mental, and emotional development A “hyper-arousal” response by certain areas of the brain, which may result in hyperactivity, and sleep disturbances Poor physical health, including various illnesses

M/E EFFECTS OF ABUSE Increased risk for emotional problems such as depression, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder Alcohol and drug abuse Difficulty with language development and academic achievement Suicide

SOCIAL EFFECTS OF ABUSE Difficulty forming secure relationships Difficulties during adolescence Criminal and/or violent behavior Abusive behavior

AFFECTED BY ABUSE Whenever abuse is present in the family, all family members are affected.

AFFECTED BY ABUSE Abused spouses are sometimes enablers in domestic violence by concealing the true nature of their injuries.

CYCLE OF ABUSE Breaking the cycle of abuse can be difficult and often requires outside help. cycle of abuse The pattern of repeating abuse from one generation to the next

BREAKING THE CYCLE If you suspect a friend is being abused, ask your friend and speak to a trusted adult. The first step to take if you are a victim of abuse is to confide in a trusted adult. Call a crisis hotline. crisis hotline A toll-free telephone service where abuse victims can get help and provide information

ORGANIZATIONS Childhelp USA Child abuse victims, parents, concerned individuals Youth Crisis Hotline Individuals reporting child abuse, youth ages 12 to 18 Stop it Now! Child sexual abuse victims, parents, offenders, concerned individuals National Domestic Violence Hotline Children, parents, friends, offenders Girls and Boys Town Abused, abandoned, and neglected girls and boys, parents, and family members

REASONS VICTIMS DON’T REPORT Victims may feel too ashamed to report the problem.

REASONS VICTIMS DON’T REPORT Victims may fear that reporting the abuse will break up the family.

REASONS VICTIMS DON’T REPORT Victims may have fears about getting someone in trouble with the law.

REASONS VICTIMS DON’T REPORT Victims may have promised the abuser to keep the abuse a secret.

HELP Most people need professional help to overcome the emotional trauma of abuse.

HELP Teens who have been abused sometimes find comfort in group counseling sessions.

HELP In extreme situations or ones where abuse is ongoing, abused family members may be sent to shelters.

The cycle of abuse will not end until someone reports the problem. HELP The cycle of abuse will not end until someone reports the problem.