God's Master Plan Session 1 What is God’s Master Plan? How will God’s Master Plan be realised?
Slide 2 Overview Overview Introduction Section 1 - What is God’s Master Plan? Does God Have a Master Plan? What is God’s Master Plan? What does the plan mean? What have we got to do with it? How is it progressing?
God’s Master Plan Introduction
Slide 4 Introduction Objective Introduce you to the good news of God’s Master Plan as revealed in the Bible God sent Jesus to save the world John 3v16-17
Slide 5 Introduction Salvation comes through belief and obedience. “Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ…” (2 Corinthians 9v13)
Slide 6 Introduction Two parts to the seminar Belief in the Gospel Obedience to the Gospel What is the Gospel? How do we show obedience?
Slide 7 Introduction What is “the Gospel?” “But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptised both men and women.” (Acts 8v12) Consider Kingdom of God - God’s Plan for the earth Jesus Christ - who he is and his role“Gospel”
Slide 8 Introduction How do we show obedience? Having believed we must now serve Look at how we can participate How citizens of the Master Plan should live
Slide 9 (C) OBEDIENCE 7) How can we participate in the Master Plan? 8) How should citizens of the Master Plan live? (A) KINGDOM OF GOD 1) What is God's Master Plan 2) How will God's Master Plan be realised? 3) Why do we need God's Master Plan? 4) What stops us from participating in God's Master Plan? (B) NAME OF JESUS CHRIST 5) Who is the key to the Master Plan? 6) Who is the Master Planner? Salvation The faith God requires for eternal life in his Kingdom (John 3:16-17) Belief in the Gospel Acts 8v12 Life of Obedience Acts 2v42
Section 1 What is God’s Master Plan?
Slide 11 Objective Answer fundamental questions of life Why was the earth created? What is the purpose of life?
Slide 12 Does God Have a Master Plan? Will the earth be destroyed?
Slide 13 Does God Have a Master Plan? The Bible’s Answer "For this is what the LORD says - He who created the heavens, He is God, He who fashioned and made the earth; he founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited." Isaiah 45v18
Slide 14 What is God’s Plan? Some Bible Passages….. "But as truly as I live all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD" (Numbers 14v21)
Slide 15 What is God’s Plan? Some Bible Passages….. “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2v14
Slide 16 What is God’s Plan? The Message… Earth Completely filled Glory of God
Slide 17 What is God’s Plan? What is God’s Glory?
Slide 18 What does this mean? What is God’s Glory? "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.“ Exodus 34v6
Slide 19 What does this mean? What is God’s Glory God’s Glory is his character - The essence of what He is!
Slide 20 How do we fit in? Humans are the only creatures who can manifest God’s glory completely Free will Purpose of life - to manifest God
Slide 21 Progress so Far God has a Master Plan for the Earth Plan is to fill the earth with His glory God’s glory is revealed in His character Humans are the vehicle through which God will fill the earth with His glory The purpose of life is to develop the character of God Man has failed to achieve this purpose and jeopardised the Master Plan
Slide 22 Question and Answer What is God’s Master Plan? God’s Master Plan is to fill the earth with His Glory through men and women
Slide 23
Section 2 How will God’s Master Plan be Realised?
Slide 25 Objective Explain how the Master Plan will happen Look at special promises made by God to ensure his plan Look at God’s promised kingdom
Slide 26 Overview - Section 2 A Plan to guarantee the Master Plan What are the Promises? What do the Promises mean? Jesus, the Kingdom and the Master Plan What will the Kingdom be like? Where will the Kingdom be? When will the Kingdom come?
Slide 27 Does God have a Solution? God is in Control “… Most High rules in the kingdoms of men” Daniel 2:28 Solution bound up in promises
Slide 28 What are the Promises? Agreements between man and God concerning the future Two main sets of Promises Abraham David
Slide 29 Promises to Abraham Genesis 12v 1-3 : Promise of becoming a great nation with many descendants Genesis 13v : Promise of inheritance of a land forever, and a special seed Genesis 17v 1-9 :Promise of the everlasting possession of a land and father of many nations
Slide 30 Promises to Abraham Everlasting Possession of a land Canaan (Israel) Great People Special Seed
Slide 31 Promises to David 2 Samuel 7v12-17 : Promise of a seed who would rule on David's throne as king forever.
Slide 32 Promises to David Seed - Descendant of David Rule forever David’s Throne Jerusalem 1 Kings 2v11
Slide 33 What do the Promises Mean? Putting the jigsaw pieces together……
Slide 34 What do the Promises Mean? The promise of a seed (descendant) of Abraham and David who is to be King forever on earth and through whom blessing will come. The promise of possession of a special land forever. The promise of many people inheriting this land forever.
Slide 35 What do the Promises Mean? Promise of an everlasting Kingdom
Slide 36 Christ, the Kingdom and the Master Plan Only one to reveal God’s glory “We beheld... the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth” John 1v14 He is coming back to set up the kingdom “This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1v11
Slide 37 Christ, the Kingdom and the Master Plan The Promises will only be fulfilled when Jesus Christ Returns “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.” Heb 11v39
Slide 38 Christ, the Kingdom and the Master Plan Kingdom will grow until it fills the whole earth “… and the stone which smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth” Daniel 2v35
Slide 39 Christ, the Kingdom and the Master Plan “And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all” 1 Corinthians 15v28
Slide 40 The Master Plan - a Reality Through Jesus Christ and the Kingdom All men will worship God All will reveal his glory The earth will be filled with God’s Glory “For all the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2v14)
Slide 41 What will the Kingdom be Like? Moral improvement New Creation 2 Peter 3v13 Vision of Kingdom Isaiah 35 Center of discipleship Matthew 6v33
Slide 42 Where will the Kingdom be? On Earth Numbers 14v21 Matthew 6v10 Center will be Jerusalem Micah 4v1
Slide 43 When will the Kingdom come? No one knows Matthew 24v36 Signs of its coming Wars Famine Earthquakes Return of Jews Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13
Slide 44 Conclusion The promises represent God’s solution to man’s failure The promises concern Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ is the only man to perfectly reveal God’s glory - he is the key to the solution
Slide 45 Conclusion The Kingdom will be on earth and ruled over by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem The Kingdom is the means by which the Master Plan will be realised The coming Kingdom of God will completely revitalise the conditions in our earth.
Slide 46 Conclusion This week we looked at…. What God’s Master Plan is What we have got to do with the plan God’s promises Conditions in God’s kingdom Signs of the kingdom
Slide 47 Question and Answer How will God’s Master Plan be realised? God’s Master Plan will be realised through the kingdom of God on earth.
Slide 48 Conclusion Next week we look at….Next week we look at…. Why do we need God’s Master Plan? Origin of sin and it’s effect on us Our destiny without the plan How we can escape this destiny What stops us from participating? What is sin? What causes us to sin? The devil and satan