Holy Orders
Consecrated to God’s People The meaning of Ordination Baptized men are ordained for permanent ministry in the Church as Bishops, priests, or deacons ○ Ordo- a person joined to a certain group, or order The Priesthood of the Old Covenant Tribe of Levi “their heritage was God” Honored God with sacrifice and prayer Prefigures the ordained ministry of today Rite refers to priesthood of Old Testament Jesus fulfills the Old Covenant Jesus is the new “High Priest” (heaven is the sanctuary) Jesus institutes the Church through which the sacrament of Holy Orders flows- Jesus passes his authority and mission to the Church
Priesthood of the New Covenant Melchizdek’s priesthood prefigures the priesthood of Christ. Offered bread and wine One mediator between God and the human race Gave himself as an offering for all Different from the call of all to the common priesthood Teach the faithful Lead divine worship Governing the Church
Representatives of Christ Makes the presence of Christ known as High priest Shepherd Teacher Ordained for service not privilege Washing of the feet
Degrees of Ordination The Bishop Office of the Episcopate Although the Pope is a Bishop, the office of the Pope is called the Papacy. The Priest Office of Presbyter The Deacon Office of Deaconate
Episcopate (Episcopacy) The role of Bishop Receives the fullness of Holy Orders Episcopal ordination (episcopate) Member of the college of bishops Visible head of the diocese In the line of apostolic succession that extends to the apostles and therefore Christ *Acts in “persona Christi” the person of Christ Must be approved by the Pope
Presbyterium The role of the Priest Co-worker of the Bishop Responsible to a particular Church or parish ○ Head of the parish is the “pastor” Obedient to the assignment given to him by the Bishop of the diocese *Acts in “persona Christi” the person of Christ Celebrates liturgical prayer ○ Mass ○ Sacraments (except Holy Orders, Confirmation) ○ Liturgy of the Hours (daily) Aka “Breviary”
Deaconate The role of the Deacon Comes from the Greek word “diakonia” which means service. Give service to the Church ○ Charity and good works ○ Liaison between the priest and the community ○ Ministry of the Word ○ Assists at the Liturgy Types ○ Transitional On the way to the priesthood ○ Permanent Intend to remain deacons Can be married but can not marry after ordination
Sacramental Rite Essential elements: Word ○ Prayer of consecration specific to the order Action ○ Laying on of hands Celebrant/ Minister Bishop
Vows Celibacy Do not marry ○ No romantic or sexual relationships Obedience Laws of God To Pope Local bishop To their NO vow of poverty
Graces of the Sacrament The Grace of the Holy Spirit Sacramental grace ○ Bishop Strength Model ○ Priest Model Portray Christ ○ Deacon Charity The character of ordination is forever Under very serious or special circumstances an ordained minister may be released of his duty and responsibility but does not become a lay person.
Last Supper Passover celebration Institution of the Eucharist Commission of the Apostles to the priesthood