TRUE WORSHIP True Worship and It’s Rewards
Hebrews 11:6-“He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” True Worship and It’s Rewards
Psalm 63 True Worship and It’s Rewards
The first reward is the reinstatement of our close relationship with Jesus. True Worship and It’s Rewards
The second reward is the ability to offer true praise to Jesus! True Worship and It’s Rewards
The third reward is unity of God’s people. True Worship and It’s Rewards
A fourth reward of true worship is victory over our enemies. (Verses 9-10) True Worship and It’s Rewards
A fifth reward is that we will be able to glorify God before our world. (Verse 5) True Worship and It’s Rewards
A sixth reward is joy in the midst of any situation. (Verses 5, 7) True Worship and It’s Rewards
A seventh reward is power to free those who are in bondage. (Verse 2) True Worship and It’s Rewards
Acts 16:26 “Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. True Worship and It’s Rewards
At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.” True Worship and It’s Rewards
Our conscience is quickened with the holiness of GOD, True Worship and It’s Rewards
our mind is fed with the truth of GOD, True Worship and It’s Rewards
our imaginations are purged and filled with the beauty of GOD, True Worship and It’s Rewards
our heart is given to the love of GOD True Worship and It’s Rewards
and our will is devoted to the good purpose of GOD. True Worship and It’s Rewards