ICSSP’13 International Conference on Solid State Physics December 01-06, 2013 Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN We invite authors to submit original research papers in all the sub- disciplines of Solid State Physics. Some of the sub-disciplines being covered can be found on the web site. KEY FEATURES: -More than 15 INVITED TALKS of experts from all over the world. -SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITION ICSSP’13 is also offering Graduate Student Awards for excellence in scholarly research. Papers / posters will be judged on the quality and originality of their research. ABSTRACT Deadline: June 28, 2013 Patron in Chief: Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN Conference Chairman: Prof. Dr. Shahzad Naseem Director, COE in SSP University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract Deadline:June 28, 2013 Abstract Acceptance: July 02, 2013 Manuscript Due:September 30, 2013 Early bird registration Due:October 01, 2013 Final version of accepted paper:November 15, 2013 Deadline for exhibition proposal: October 30, 2013 Dr. Saira Riaz Conference Secretary Websites: Enquiries: Ms. Qurratulain, Seceraty to Chairman Ph. No ; Fax: Sponsors: Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Pakistan Science Foundations (PSF), Pakistan Pakistan Academy of Science (PAS), Pakistan International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy Pakistan Institute of Physics International Advisory Committee: Prof. Dr. X.F. Han, Head, State key Laboratory of Magnetism, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Prof. Dr. M. Khaleeq-Ur-Rehman, Vice Chancellor, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan Prof. Dr. M.Z. Butt, Rafi Chair, GCU, Lahore and President, Pakistan Institute of Physics Prof. Dr. N.M. Butt, Director Nanotechnology Centre, Preston University, Islamabad, Pakistan Prof. Dr. Ismat Shah, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware, USA Prof. Dr. Markus Muller, Professor, Condensed Matter Physics, ICTP, Italy Prof. Dr. B. R. Mehta, Director IIT, Dehli, India Prof. Dr. Kh. Haris Rasheed, Dean Faculty of Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Prof. Dr. M. Aslam Baig, Advisor, NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan Prof. Dr. F. Ahmad Khalid, Pro-Rector, GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi, Pakistan Prof. Dr. Mohammad Idrish Miah, Department of Physics, Chittagong University, Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Shahzad Alam, Director General, PCSIR Laboratories, Lahore, Pakistan Prof. Dr. Shaukat Hayat, Director, CIIT, Islamabad Prof. Dr. Farhat Saleemi, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, LCWU, Lahore, Pakistan Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Shah, Chairman, Physics Department, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan Prof. Dr. Riaz Ahmad, Director Centre for Advanced Studies in Physics, Lahore, Pakistan Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. I. M. Ghauri, Member Prof. Dr. Mazhar Rana, Member Prof. Dr. Shahid Rafiqe (UET), Member Dr. Fazal Mahmood, Member Dr. Afaq Ahmad, Member Dr. Shahid Atiq, Member Dr. S. Sajjad Hussain, Membe r Dr. M. Akram Raza, Member Ms. Robina Ashraf Member Ms. Aseya Akbar Member Ms. Mahwish Bashir Member Dr. Zohra N. Kayani (LCWU), Member Dr. M. H. Asghar (AERO), Member Finance & Accounts Committee Mr. M. Ashraf Farooq, Head Mr. M. Beram Khan, Member Mr. M. Hammad Ashfaq, Member Registration FeesEarly BirdAfter Due date Regular Paper (Foreign Participant)USD 400USD 500 Regular Paper (Foreign Student)USD 250USD 350 Accompanying Person / SpouseUSD 100 Regular Paper (Local Participant)PRs. 10,000 * PRs. 20,000 * Regular Paper (Local Student)PRs. 8,000 * PRs. 10,000 * ListenerPRs * PRs. 6,000 * Exhibition FeePRs * For accommodation an extra PRs. 10,000/- will be charged - Conference Proceedings will be published as a SPRINGER BOOK. -Relevant selected, peer reviewed and revised papers will be published in the following Journals: 1. “ Smart Structures and Systems” (IF: 1.231) 2. “ International Journal of Materials Research” (IF:0.830) - More Journals are expected to be associated soon. Announcement in this regard will be available on the web pages. - For additional paper, with the same first author, only 50% registration fee will be charged