Gastritis is inflammation of mucus membrane of stomach Gastritis is inflammation of mucus membrane of stomach. According to flowing can be acute and chronic. Acute gastritis: Develops as a result of irritation of a mucus membrane by alimentary products, toxic and microbal factors According to the features of morphological changes there are selected the followings forms of acute gastritis: CATARRHAL (can be with erosions) FIBRINOUS (crupous, diphteretic) FESTERING (phlegmonic) NECROTIZING (chemical)
Erosive gastritis Hemorrhagic inflammation of mucus membrane of stomach in a patient at the frequently using of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory preparations (endoscope research)
Chronic gastritis Violation of regeneration and structural transformation of mucus membrane take part in the morphogeny of chronic gastritis . According to etiology and pathogeny features there are selected gastritises A, B and C. Gastritises B prevail in the people (80 %).
Gastritis A Autoimmune gastritis. Related to appearance of antibodies to lipoprotein of parietal cells and internal factor. This antibodies lock the connection of parietal cells lipoprotein and internal factor with the B12 vitamin. Often meets with other autoimmune diseases (Thyroiditis, Adisson illness). It is localized in a fundal part. Mainly in the children and old men. There are characterized by fall-off (decreasing of HCl secretion (inacidity), hyperplasia of G-cells and gastrinaemia.
Gastritis B (unimmune gastritis ) Etiology: Helicobacter pilori, which it is found out in 100% of patients. Association with the varied endogenous and exogenous factors (intoxication, violation of nutrition, alcohol abuse It is localized in an antrum part (can spread to all stomach) (i.e. variants: antral, fundal, pangastritis) According activity: acutining, unacutening (remissing)
According to on a morphological picture select superficial (no atrophy) and atrophy gastritis Superficial Gastritis: Limpho-plasmocells infiltrates take place in the superficial layers of mucus membrane of stomach on the level of rollers Prognosis is favourable. Some time can pass to the gastratrophia
Atrophic Gastritis A mucus membrane is refined, the amount of glands is diminished. In an own plate there are limphoid-plasmocells infiltrates, expressed sclerosis. Characteristic structural alteration with appearance of focuses of intestinal and pyloric metaplasia. Intestinal viiles appear in place of intestinal rollers. Mucus membrane consist of intestinal epithelium with numerous goblet cells There are focuses of displasia often. The cancer of stomach can develop at heavy epithelium displasia
Menetrier's Disease Hypertrophy gastritis
Gastritis C (reflux-gastritis) Related with regurgitation of duodenum maintenance into the stomach. Often arises up in people which had the stomach resection It is localized in antrum part The secretion of HCl is not damaged and the amount of gastrinum is not changed.
Ulcerous illness It is the chronic disease. The chronic recurrence ulcer of stomach or duodenum is the morphological substrate of this disease. Symptomatic ulcers: endocrinal; discirculatoric-hypoxic; toxic; allergic; specific; iatrogenic.
Pathogeny of ulcerous illness Hypertone of vagus with the increase of acid-peptic factor activity Dysmotility stomach and duodenum Increase of level ACTH and glucorticoid hormones Considerable predominance of acid-peptic aggression factor above the factors of mucus membrane defense
Morphogeny of chronic ulcer A forming of chronic ulcer passes the stages of erosion and acute ulcer. Erosion is a superficial defect which arises up as a result of mucus membrane necrosis. A acute ulcer is more deep defect, which takes place not only in a mucus membrane but also other membranes of stomach wall. It has a wrong rounded-oval form and soft edges
Morphology of chronic ulcer In a stomach more frequent is localized on small curvature, in duodenum on a back wall of a bulb. Has the appearance of deep defect of oval or rounded form, taking mucus and muscular membranes. The edges of ulcer are dense. Proximal edge is towered and a mucus membrane is hanged over ulcer. Distal one is declivity and has the appearance like terrace.
A microscopic picture depends on the stage of ulcerous illness In the remission stage: The cicatrical tissue situated on the ulcer bottom and ousts the muscle layer with single sclerosed and obliterated vessels. In the stage of acuteening: The 4 layers differentiate expressly on the ulcer bottom: fibrin-festering exsudate, fibrinoid necrosis, granulation and fibrotic tissue whith sclerosed vessels.
The complications of ulcerous illness Ulcerous-destructive: perforation of ulcer penetration (in a pancreas, wall of colon, liver) bleeding Inflammatory: Gastritis, perigastritis Duodenitis, periduodenitis Ulcerous-cicatrical: Stenosis of the entrance and initial openings of stomach Stenosis and deformation of duodenum bulb. Malignisation of gastric ulcer Combined complications
The diseases which are belong the group of enhanceable risk of stomach cancer origin: Adenoma of stomach (adenomatous polypus) Chronic atrophic gastritis Pernicious anaemia (Adisson-Birmer disease) Chronic ulcer Stump of stomach Heavy dysplasia epithelium is the precancer processes in a stomach
Тубулярна аденома
Leiomyoma of stomach
Classification of stomach cancer According to localization: According to the location gastric carcinoma may be: 1. Pyloric (50%) gastric carcinoma. 2. Lesser curvature of the stomach (27%) with the transition on back and front walls 3. Cardial gastric carcinoma (15%). 4. Greater curvature of the stomach (3%). 5. Fundal gastric carcinoma (2%). 6. Total gastric carcinoma (3%).
Clinic-anatomic (macroscopic ) forms of stomach cancer
Macroscopic forms of cancer Cancer with mainly exophitic expansive growth: Superficial spreading type (like plate) Polypoid type Fungating (resembling a mushroom) type Ulcerative type (primary-ulcerative, like source (Cancer-ulcer), cancer from chronic ulcer (Ulcer-cancer).
Macroscopic forms of cancer (continue) Cancer mainly with endophytic infiltrating growth Ulcerative-invasive (infiltrating) type; Diffusely spreading type (Linitis plastica). Diffuse Carcinoma with exophytic and endophytic growth. (Mixed types of carcinoma).
According to the histological signs there are the following types of gastric carcinoma 1. Adenocarcinoma: tubular, papillary, mucoid, trabecular (well-differentiated). Undifferentiated carcinoma. Squamous-cell carcinoma. Adenosquamous carcinoma. Solid carcinoma (poorly-differentiated). Undifferentiated (scirrhous) carcinoma (endophytic growth, diffuse form).
Signet-ring cell Adenocarcinoma Adenocarcinoma (is the form of more differentiated cancer) and situated at exophytic growth of tumour more frequently
Metastases ways of stomach cancer Lymphogenic. Haematogenic and implant ways The first metastases arise up in regional lymphatic ways along large and lesser curvature of stomach
Metastatic carcinoma (paraaortic) Retrograde metastases have the role as the diagnostic moment among distant lymphogenic metastases: In both ovaries (Krukenberg tumor) In a pararectal tissue (Shnitsler metastases) In the left supraclavicular lymphnode (Virchow's gland)
Implant metastases Implant metastases result to canceromatosis of peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, diaphragm. Haematogenic metastases arise up in a liver and in lungs
Haematogenic metastases
Appendicitis – the inflammation of appendix vermiformis of cecum Acute appendicitis Obstruction of appendix with the resistance decline of mucus membrane and the wall invasion by microorganisms Unobstructive appendicitis can arise as the secondary at generalized infectious diseases (viral).
Morphological forms Simple (it is accompanied by disorders of blood circulation, small hemorrhages, a little leucocytes accumulation – primary affect Superficial is characteristic by hearth of festering inflammation in a mucus membrane
Morphological forms (continous) Phlegmonous Phlegmonous-ulcerous Apostematic Gangrenous (at a thrombosis and thrombembolus of artery - is primary gangrenous; at periappendicitis and festering mesemteriolitis - secondary gangrenous
Complication of acute appendicitis Perforation With development of festering peritonitis With development of periappendicular abscess Empyema of appendix Spread of infection by portal vein branches may propagate to the liver; this was formerly an important cause of portal pyemic abscesses in the liver
Chronic Appendicitis Develops after the acute appendicitis It is characterized by sclerotic and atrophy processes, lymph-histiocells infiltration
Polypuses of large intestine at an ulcerous colitis
Nipple adenoma of colon
Gangrene of bowel
Family polyposis
Hyperplastic polypus of colon
Thank you for attention!