About Data Import 3 Import data from Excel spreadsheets directly into DL3, saving time and effort Import functionality is available for: Criteria Names Criteria Descriptions Alternative Names Alternative Descriptions Ratings Data Resource Budget Data Data Criteria Strong/ Weak
Getting Started 4 A few helpful tips in getting your spreadsheet ready for import: Save worksheets in Excel format (“xls”) – “.xlsx” files cannot be imported Remove formulas, copy the spreadsheet; paste special – values Remove duplicates – ensure the elements you are importing are unique Use one spreadsheet – the import wizard will enable you to migrate between worksheets without returning to the model
Initiate Data Import 5 From the lobby, select the Import model data from spreadsheet from the drop- down menu. If the model is open, the system will notify you the model will close for the import process and all other users in the model will be locked for the duration of the import. Click YES to continue to the Data Import Utility
Select the Spreadsheet 6 Once in the Data Import Utility, click Select Spreadsheet and navigate to the worksheet which contains the data you want to import. Click NEXT to continue
Initiate Data Import 7 If the selected spreadsheet has multiple worksheets, use the dropdown to select which worksheet from which you want to import. Click NEXT to continue
Identify the Type of Data to Import 8 Select one of the radio buttons to indicate what type of data you are importing. Note that criteria and alternatives must be imported first if starting with a new model. Click NEXT to continue
Select the Data Import 9 Highlight the rows that contain the data you want to import. Note you can use SHIFT to select groups of rows, or CTRL to select multiple individual rows. ALT can be used to advanced selection options. Click NEXT to continue 11 Note: If your columns and rows are flipped-flopped, you can set them straight by clicking TRANSPOSE DATA 1 1
Select and Map Spreadsheet Columns 10 If you are importing alternatives, descriptions, etc., you will be asked to select and map the columns which contain the specific data in the spreadsheet to the corresponding categories in the model. Click on the column header to select. Click NEXT to continue
Preview Data 11 Review the data imported for accuracy and then click IMPORT 11 11
Resolve Errors 12 Decision Lens includes a data validation and reconciliation step should the data in the spreadsheet not exactly match the model (e.g. spelling, spacing, capitalization, etc.). Follow the on-screen instructions to resolve any discrepancies ?
Review Data The blue status bar will darken from left to right as the data is successfully imported into the system 13 Click FINISH to complete the data import
Complete an Import Once you are finished, you may continue to import data either from the same spreadsheet or another spreadsheet or launch the model 14
Special - Importing Ratings Data 15 If you select Ratings Data, you will be asked for which user you are importing data. Note you can also import data for a new user or all users
Importing Ratings Data Select and Map Spreadsheet Columns 16 If required, after selecting a column, map that column to the existing criteria (for ratings import). Click NEXT to continue
Importing Ratings Data Resolve Errors 17 Click the item from your worksheet, then click the DL3 model element to which it maps. Click NEXT to continue 11 Note: If you make a mistake, remove the mapping by clicking Undo
Importing Ratings Data Review Data 18 Review the data and make sure the import screen matches the data you intended to import. Click IMPORT to continue 11
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