Seedless Vascular Plants Chapter 17
True or False. –Nonvascular plants include the algae and bryophytes. –Vascular plants include lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and flowering plants. –Xylem and phloem are the names of musical instruments from Istanbul.
Vascular Tissue System Xylem- plant tissue that conducts water and minerals. –Tracheary elements Tracheids Vessel elements Phloem- plant tissue that conducts food (mainly sucrose). –Sieve elements
Leaves- photosynthetic, principal lateral appendages of the stem. –Microphylls- small leaves that contain a single strand of vascular tissue. –Megaphylls- large leaves that contain multiple strands of vascular tissue. Vascular Plant Terminology #1
Vascular Plant Terminology #2 Homosporous- production of one type of spore from one kind of sporangium. Heterosporous- production of two types of spores from two different kinds of sporangia.
Vascular Plant Terminology #3 Sporophyll- a modified leaf that bears sporangia. –Sporangium- a structure that produces spores.
Vascular Plant Terminology #4 Microsporophyll- a modified leaf that bears microsporangia. –Microsporangia- a sporangium that produces microspores. Megasporophyll- a modified leaf that bears megasporangia. –Megasporangia- a sporangium that produces megaspores.
Vascular Plant Terminology #5 Strobilus- a reproductive structure consisting of nonphotosynthetic sporophylls; a cone. –Microstrobilus- a microsporangiate cone. –Megastrobilus- a megasporangiate cone.
Extinct Seedless Vascular Plants Representatives ( MYA) –Rhyniophyta –Zosterophyllophyta –Trimerophytophyta
Extant Seedless Vascular Plants Phyla (Living today) –Lycopodiophyta- club mosses, resurrection plant, quillworts. –Monilophyta- ferns and the fern allies (whisk ferns and horsetails).
Lycopodiophyta- lycophytes Lykos- gr. wolf, pous- gr. foot. Microphylls present. Plants + or - dichotomously branched. Sporangia on or in the axils of sporophylls on strobili. Heterosporous & homosporous. Distribution- global. Habitat- forest floors, deserts, aquatic. ~1,200 species. Examples- Lycopodium, Selaginella, Isoetes).
Selaginella- the resurrection plant (Selaginellaceae) is heterosporous.
Isoetes- the quillwort (Isoetaceae) is heterosporous.
Match spore type on the right to lycophyte family on the left. 1. Lycopodiaceae (Lycopodium)a. Homosporous 2. Selaginellaceae (Selaginella)b. Heterosporous 3. Isoetaceae (Isoetes)
Monilophyta- ferns and fern allies. Monilo- gr. single string of beads. Leaves- megaphylls, scalelike, & microphyll-like. Variable branching patterns. Sporangia in sori, lateral, or on sporangiophores in strobili. Heterosporous & homosporous. Distribution- global, tropics. Habitat- all habitats, > species in moist. ~11,000 species. Examples- Polypodium, Psilotum, Equisetum).
Class Psilotopsida Order Psilotales- whisk ferns. Psilos- gr. bare. Leaves- scale-like or megaphyll-like. Eusporangiate. Sporangia lateral. Dichotomous and pinnately branched. Homosporous. No roots, but they have aerial stems. Distribution- tropical & subtropical. –Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana. Habitat- epiphytic or on rich soils. Examples- Psilotum (2 spp.) and Tmesipteris (13 spp.).
Class Psilotopsida Order Ophioglossales- ferns. Ophio- gr. serpent. Gloss- gr. tongue. Leaves- megaphylls. Eusporangia in 2 rows. Sporangia on outer edge or sunken. Dissected or unbranched. Homosporous. Roots, stems, and leaves. Distribution- tropical and temperate. Habitat- epiphytic or soil. ~80 species Examples- Botrychium and Ophioglossum.
Class Marattiopsida Mara- gr. marlstone- lime-rich soil. Leaves- megaphylls, complex, pinnately branched. Sporangia eusporangiate, homosporous. Sporangia on lower surface of leaves. Distribution- tropical and subtropical. Habitat- epiphytic and soil. ~200 species. Example- Marattia.
Class Polypodiosida- ferns Poly- L. many. podio- gr. footed. Leaves- megaphylls, fronds. Sporangia leptosporangiate, homosporous and heterosporous. Sporangia usually in sori. Compound branching, but not dichotomous. Roots, stems, and leaves. Distribution- global, tropical. Habitat- all habitats, > species in soil. ~10,500 species. Example- Polypodium.
Class Equisetopsida- horsetails Equus- L. horse, saeta- L. bristle. Leaves- microphyll-like, scaly. Homosporous. Sporangia eusporangiate, on sporangiophores in a strobilus. Whorled leaves, but not dichotomous. Roots and stems (ribbed and jointed). Distribution- global. Habitat- along streams in moist sites. ~15 species. Example- Equisetum.