The Scarlet Letter By : Nathaniel Hawthorne By : Jailene & Sudesh
Setting : In the 17th century in England. Boston, Massachusetts.
Point Of View : Point of view refers to the perspective that the narrator will use to tell the story. Nathaniel Hawthorne's uses unnamed and ambiguous narrator. A third person and subjective perspective.
Main Characters : Hester Prynne – she is a single mother in one of the gloomiest most austere moments in American history. Hester committed adultery with Dimmesdale. Hester have a daughter name Pearl. Arthur Dimmesdale-He is a reverend that committed adultery with Hester. He felt guilty for what he did because he never confess. Pearl kiss him on the cheek when he was confessing when he died. Roger Chillingworth-he is the husband of Hester who had been kidnap for 2 years. Roger wanted to get revenge on Dimmesdale. Pearl- she was shock when her mother took her ‘A’ off. Pearl did not know who her father was. When Roger died Pearl had money that Roger gave her.
Conflicts : Man vs. Man Man Vs. Man Chillingworth is always playing mind games with Dimmesdale because he suspects that he is Hester's hidden lover. Man Vs. Self Dimmesdale is constantly struggling between his secret love for Hester and maintaining his position in the church.
Foreshadowing Hester steps out of the prison to see a rosebush. She was standing in full bloom that was reputed to have grown from the footsteps of Anne Hutchinson.
Symbols : The Puritans mean for the scarlet letter to be a symbol of Hester's shame But the narrator describes the letter as a "mystic symbol" that means many things. The letter ‘A’ symbolizes adultery of the beginning of the story then changes to mean able then symbolizes angel by the end of the novel.
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