History of Great Britan I. Martina Ondrová, 4A
A brief history The first mention of England comes from the 6th century B.C. from naval handbook Roman Britain – invasion by Julius Caesar and Claudius – until 410 The Anglo-Saxon invasion – Jutes, Saxons, Angles – until 7th century (Germanic tribes) Heptarchy – distribution of influence between 7 kingdoms - Northumbria, Mercia, Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex and Wessex
Hadrian's Wall The border of Roman influence in England. It was built in 138 by Emperor Hadrian. It corresponds with nowadays Scottish bordes.
Viking challenge – first attack – 793 Lindisfarne, their settlements – basics for creation of Scotland (Alfred The Great) Norman conquest – Battle of Hastings, 1066 – William the Conqueror was crowned Plantagenet – 1215 – Magna Carta (limited the power of the monarch) The Wars of the Roses – Yorks (white) vs. Lancasters (red)
The wars of roses A cause of conflict – followers of Lancasters remove the king Richard II. A consequence was an onset of the Tudor dynasty.
Tudor england 1485-1603 rough, absolutistic governance 6 kings and queens – Henry VII., Henry VIII., Eduard IV., lady Jane Grey, Mary I. – Bloody Mary and Elizabethan era
Henry viii. 6 wives, 2 of them executed Married to Catherine of Aragon – only child Mary Anne Boleyn - second marriage (Elizabeth) Jane Seymour – boy Edward Anne of Cleves – seemed unattractive Catherine Howard – executed for adultery Catherine Parr – old widow
Henry viii. Dispute with the Pope The Church of England Musician, composer, poet, atlet, rowing, dice play.. 72 000 executions Several mistresses