Mission-Critical Work in the Water/Wastewater Industry
Why am I (are we) here? The water /wastewater industry wants to make sure we continue to have qualified employees I (We) work in the water/wastewater industry and want to give you an idea of what the work is like To give you an idea of options you might want to investigate if a career in this field appeals to you
Critical water and wastewater jobs In 2011, BAYWORK, a collaborative of water and wastewater utilities focused on workforce reliability, identified the following job categories as critical to getting their work done: Engineer Mechanic/Machinist Water Treatment Operator Electronic Maintenance Technician/Instrument Technician Electrician Water Distribution Operator Wastewater Treatment Operator
Average salary range for water and Wastewater jobs
Engineer What does an engineer do? Plans, designs, constructs, operates and maintains water and wastewater utilities. What are the types of engineers in the water/wastewater industry? Civil engineer Environmental/process/water quality/sanitary engineer Structural engineer Electrical engineer Instrumentation and control/SCADA engineer Mechanical engineer
EMT/I&C technician ETM and I&C technician responsibilities Install, Maintain, and Repair Electronic Equipment Evaluate Performance Under Different Operating Conditions Test, Calibrate, and Troubleshoot Electronic Systems Install Maintain Repair Evaluate Test
Wastewater treatment operator What does a wastewater treatment operator do? Under general supervision, operates, inspects, and maintains a variety of plant equipment in connection with the continuous operation of a large metropolitan wastewater treatment plant Directs lower level operators Performs related work as required Usually requires Grade 3 certification by Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Electrician OperateRepairInstall Maintain What does an electrician do? Electricians, electrical workers, and electrical line workers install, repair, operate and maintain the electrical and power systems for homes, businesses, factories, and infrastructure within the water, wastewater, and power industry.
Water distribution operator What does a water distribution operator do? Monitors and controls water system facilities and equipment manually and/or using information technology to regulate raw water supply and treated water distribution Controls hydroelectric power generation and monitors and controls water quality Operates water transmission and distribution systems (e.g., pumps and valves), often using a SCADA control system D-3 certification from Department of Health Services is generally where the journey level starts.
Mechanic/machinist Maintain Repair Create What does a machinist/mechanic do? Create, maintain, and repair mechanical equipment associated with water and wastewater transmission, distribution, storage, and treatment
Water treatment operator What does a water treatment operator do? Under general supervision, operates, maintains and repairs a wide variety of complex machinery and equipment in a water treatment plant and/or pumping station or related facility.
Mission-critical careers video
BAYWORK website For more information about BAYWORK or to contact someone from BAYWORK with questions, see the “About Us” page on the baywork.org website.
BAYWORK training opportunity map
BAYWORK job opportunity map
Extra Slides
My position and the kind of work I do
My education and experience
My favorite project
What I like best about my job
Options for you to consider if you think you might be interested in the water/wastewater field Coursework Course 1 Course 2 Experiences (e.g., internships or apprenticeships) Experience 1 Experience 2 Training Opportunities Training 1 Training 2