TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Information & Enrolment Semester 2: 2011
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Core subjects A-level subjects B-level subjects Vocational subjects Subject groupings The course comprises a large selection of subjects divided into these four groups. Reference: booklet p 6 -9
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Subject groupings The course comprises a large selection of subjects divided into these four groups. Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Core subjects A-level subjects B-level subjects Vocational subjects LALS A CORE A CORE I. T. LALS B L A L S = Language & Learning Skills CORE A = Ethical Practice Communicate to Facilitate Work in a Team Sustainable Practice. CORE IT = Operate a Computer Operate a Word Processing Application Access & Use the Internet NOTE Reference: booklet p 6 -9
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Core subjects A-level subjects B-level subjects Vocational subjects Language & Creative Arts Asia Pacific Contemporary Australia Basic Mathematics Introductory Mathematics Foundation Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Multicultural Australia Sustainable Development Subject groupings The course comprises a large selection of subjects divided into these four groups. No prerequisites except in Mathematics Start with Basic Mathematics or Introductory Mathematics or provide evidence (e.g. HSC General Mathematics) NOTE Reference: booklet p 6 -9
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Core subjects A-level subjects B-level subjects Vocational subjects Literature Asia Pacific Political Studies Historical Studies Sustainable Development Further Mathematics Calculus Advanced Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Film & Media Environment Legal Studies Health Issues Subject groupings The course comprises a large selection of subjects divided into these four groups. Reference: booklet p 6 -9
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Core subjects A-level subjects B-level subjects Vocational subjects Media Skills Painting Art Teaching Skills Further Information Technology Accounting Subject groupings The course comprises a large selection of subjects divided into these four groups. No prerequisites except Further IT requires Core IT These subjects are neither A nor B level. You may take none or any number of vocational subjects to help you to complete the course. NOTE Reference: booklet p 6 -9
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Core subjects A-level subjects B-level subjects Vocational subjects Course Completion Pass ALLPass at least two Pass any number Total number of subjects passed in these three groups must be at least seven Course completion requires you to: Reference: booklet p 10
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Pathways….Pathways…. Literature Asia Pacific Political Studies Historical Studies Sustainable Development Further Mathematics Calculus Advanced Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Film & Media Environment Legal Studies Health Issues Language & Creative Arts Asia Pacific Human Rights Contemporary Australia Basic Mathematics Introductory Mathematics Foundation Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Multicultural Australia Sustainable Development Eco-Systems Health Issues Group 2 A Level Subjects Group 3 B – Level Subjects Reference: booklet p
TERTIARY PREPARATION Timetable Selecting your subjects Subject selection form
TERTIARY PREPARATION MelWilliams Basic Maths Timetable Selecting your subjects
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Pass all 4 Core subjects Pass at least 2 A-level elective subjects Pass at least 2 B-level elective subjects Pass at least 7 electives in total (including vocational subjects) LALS B Best 2 B-level subjects Your score / 300 Scaled scores are only calculated at the end of the second semester each year. You are unable to course complete mid- year. NOTE Reference: booklet p 12
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Studying Full-Time (at least 20 hours per week) - One year Studying Part-Time (less than 20 hours per week) - Two years or more Reference: booklet p 10
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Sustainable Development Further Mathematics Calculus Advanced Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Environment Health Issues Sustainable Development Basic Mathematics Introductory Mathematics Foundation Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Eco-Systems Health Issues A Level SubjectsB – Level Subjects Statement in Maths and Science: 9045
TERTIARY PREPARATION 2011 Literature Asia Pacific Political Studies Historical Studies Film & Media Environment Legal Studies Language & Creative Arts Asia Pacific Human Rights Contemporary Australia Multicultural Australia A Level SubjectsB – Level Subjects Statement in English and Humanities: 9047 Language & Learning Skills