2013 Year In Review APAI Winter Conference January 9, 2014 Matt Beeson, P.E. Asphalt Engineer.


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Presentation transcript:

2013 Year In Review APAI Winter Conference January 9, 2014 Matt Beeson, P.E. Asphalt Engineer

PG Binder Index $406 (2009) $466 (2010) $496 (2011) $560 (2012) $496 (2011) $466 (2010) $406 (2009) $533 (2013)

Sample Exchange Gmb YearTypeNTotal S.D.INDOT S.D.Producer S.D (9.5 mm)Plant (25.0 mm)Plant (9.5 mm)Plant (19.0 mm)Plant (9.5 mm) Cat 5Plant (9.5 mm) Cat 2Plant Gmm 2008 (9.5 mm)Plant (25.0 mm)Plant (9.5 mm)Plant (19.0 mm)Plant (9.5 mm) Cat 5Plant (9.5 mm) Cat 2Plant

Standard Specifications 2013 Spec Changes Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 in.gov/indot Doing Business with INDOT Standards and Specifications Standard Specifications – 2014 Special Provisions and Recurring Plan Details – September 2013 edition 400-R R-581

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 Acceptance of QC/QA mixtures less than 300 t will be by Type D Certification and standard rolling train

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 The first 300 t of the first sublot of the first lot for each mixture pay item will not be sampled Differs from the previous method of not sampling the first 300 t for each DMF/JMF

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 If the original contract pay item quantity for a surface mixture is less than or equal to one sublot The item will be exempt from profilograph Smoothness will be by 16 ft. straightedge

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 Pay items for HMA Surface, HMA Intermediate, and HMA Base removed from 402

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 Intention is to have all mainline pavements accepted by 401 QC/QA 402 was originally intended for miscellaneous mixtures that could not be plate sampled Removing pay items prevents designers from selecting 402 Hand-in-hand with less than 300t change

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 Will not affect any remaining pay items in 402 or other spec sections that reference 402 Section 304 – HMA Widening Section 304 – HMA Patching Section 604 – HMA for Sidewalks Section 610 – HMA for Approaches Section 715 – HMA for Structure Installation

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 400-R-610) Modifications to 4.75 mm mixture incorporated in standard specs Gradation changes Fineness modulus ≥ 3.30 Designed at 5.0% air voids Changes to Dust/effective AC ratio, VFA, FAA

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 400-R-610) Changes intended to increase macrotexture, therefore increasing friction performance 4.75 mm friction increased by average of 11 FN

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 400-R-610) Acceptance of open graded mixtures less than 300t will be by Type D certification Air voids tolerance ±3.5%

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 400-R-610) Added 9.5 mm open graded mixture Used as a bond breaking layer for concrete overlays

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 400-R-610) Plate samples and cores shall not be obtained from areas placed with a widener or other specialty equipment If random location falls in this area, another location in sublot is chosen If entire sublot falls in this area, results from previous or subsequent sublots will be used

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 400-R-610) 8 ft. or wider, spec requires use of standard paver 4 ft. or less, can typically be paved with adjacent lane 4-8 ft., we understand plate sampling does not give representative sample, and density is difficult to obtain

Standard Specifications Effective for contracts after 9/1/13 (RSP 401-R-581) Liquid Asphalt Sealant (a.k.a fog seal) over joint Curing not occurring quickly enough with AE-F material, especially in colder weather Changed to AE-NT or SS-1h at ½ the spray rate of AE-F Also, liquid asphalt sealant is now a separate pay item from joint adhesive

Construction Memorandum Construction Memo Clarification of proofrolling language in “All partially completed sections of roadway that are 8 in. or less in thickness shall be proofrolled prior to the placement of additional materials…” This is only required when 8 in. or less are left over the winter

ITM 221 ITM 221 – High Volume Surface Aggregates for HMA Test section placed on I-265 fall 2012 After 1 year, friction values of test aggregate 1 FN less than control 2 more candidate aggregates to be tested this year

JTRP SPR-3624 Optimizing Laboratory Mixture Design as it Relates to Field Compaction in order to Improve Hot- Mix Asphalt Durability Design mix at 5% air voids and compact in field to 5% air voids Lower design gyrations (30-50) Improve durability/reduce oxidation Initial results positive 1 field trial done, more to come

QC/QA HMA Certified Tech Changes to program Certified Technicians are required to be Qualified Technicians Can be already Qualified, or complete qualification after Certified Tech course Current Certified Technicians not qualified are grandfathered from qualification 3 day course + 1 day exam Previously 4 days + 1 day exam Removed hands-on tests, streamlined other areas

Inertial Profilers Study by INDOT Research is complete Likely pilot projects in 2014 Spec needs to be developed/finalized

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Effective for contracts let after 10/1/13 All mix designs submitted required to use aggregate Gsb values from INDOT list

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Why? In-depth review of mix designs found consistently inflated aggregate Gsb values being submitted Values were within our previous acceptable range But, its not possible for so many Contractor values to be above INDOT values in a true distribution

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Why? Inflation of Gsb allows lower binder content Since the Gsb is not actually correct, the mixture is under-asphalted Mixture durability suffers

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity What? All aggregate Gsb values will be supplied by INDOT All values for recycled materials supplied by INDOT

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity How? Current list compiled using INDOT quality sample data 5-point moving average, where possible Values on list for 8s, 11s, sands Other products: Fineness Modulus ≥ 6.00 – 8s 3.50 < Fineness Modulus < 6.00 – 11s Fineness Modulus ≤ Sand

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity How? All aggregate products were included on list that had available values New sources new/missing ledges, benches, etc INDOT will obtain samples and publish new values Man-Made Materials (slags) Individual captive stockpiles may be set up by HMA Producer – INDOT will sample and provide value

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity How? Gsb of RAP If your RAP Gsb is greater than or less than INDOT will sample individual captive stockpiles and provide value Gsb of RAS Gsb of baghouse fines/mineral filler 2.800

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity When? Full Gsb list will be published once per year New values will be compared to current If different by more than 2 std. deviations, an investigation will be launched and additional samples possibly taken List addendums will be published throughout the year as needed

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity When? Required for mixture produced on contracts let after 10/1/13 Reference designs allowable Must be submitted with new Gsb values from list Any affected properties (VMA, VFA, FAA, etc) must be recalculated If any property falls outside spec limits, a redesign is required

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Where? Lists will be ed to mix design labs and HMA management reps Will also be online

Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity But what about ……? Values won’t be 100% exact Level playing field Gsb values are part of overall blend Common sense Communication with District/OMM as early as possible We want this to work for both Contractors and INDOT

Coming in mm for Higher ESAL Categories? PWL for SMA? Rubber Modified Asphalt Binders?

Coming in mm for Higher ESAL Categories? PWL for SMA? Rubber Modified Asphalt Binders? Colts win Super Bowl!