any light, simple song, especially one of sentime ntal or romanticcharacter, having two or more stanzas all sung to the same melody. Def Leppard- “Love Bites”
a short poem consisting of five, usually un rhymed lines containing,respectively, tw o, four, six, eight, and two syllables. Adelaide Crapsey- “Snow”
noting or pertaining to a long poetic co mposition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements o r events is narrated in elevated style The Iliad by Homer
a poem of six six-line stanzas and a three- line envoy, originally without rhyme, in which each stanza repeats the end wor ds of the lines of the first stanza, but in different order, the envoy usin g the six words again,three in the middle of the l ines and three at the end. The Rage, M.L. Kiser
a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain definite schem es, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (t heoctave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), a nd in a common English form into 3 quatrains followed by a couplet. Sonnet 18 Shakespeare
a sonnet consisting three quatrains and a conclu ding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg Couplet- a pair of successive lines of verse, especiall y a pair that rhyme and are of the same length. Quatrains- a stanza or poem of four lines, usually with alternate rhymes.
a sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abba abba and a sestet rhyming in any of various patterns (as cde cde or cdc dcd) —called also Petrarchan sonnet Octave- a group of eight lines of verse, especially th e first eight lines of a sonnet in the Italian form. Sestet- the last six lines of a sonnet in the Italian for m, considered as a unit.
a short poem of fixed form, written in terc ets, usually five in number,followed by a f inal quatrain, all being based on two rhy mes. Elizabeth Bishop- One Art Web. 26 Oct. 2014