INTRODUCTION - Improving the effectiveness of root cause analysis in post mortem analysis: A controlled experiment by Finn Olav Bjørnson, Alf Inge Wang and Erik Arisholm -Software Project Failures - Cause of past success and failures has therefore become critical - Post Mortem Analysis
RELATED LITERATURE Dingsøyr (2005) Retrospective analysis is an important method for sharing knowledge within software projects. There are many names to describe retrospective analysis. Hamid(1990) important lessons to be learned are rarely conveniently packaged for easy picking, Keegan and Turner (2001)Many software companies do not have time for meetings to review past projects and lessons learned from those projects, even though various
METHOD DESCRIPTION KJ method - KJ Session - Each member of the project group gets a number of post-its - Describe the positive experiences and negative experiences in the project - Group them by concept - Select a concept and place the experiences for this concept in a fishbone diagram - Each arrow presents a cause
REVISED METHOD KJ method - KJ Session - Each member of the project group gets a number of post-its - Describe the positive experiences and negative experiences in the project - Place the experiences from the post-its in casual map - Every oval represents a concept Each arrow presents a cause and effect relation
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Birk, A., Dingsøyr, T., & Stallhane, T. (2002). Postmortem: Never leave a project without it. IEEE Software, Special Issue on Knowledge Management in Software Engineering 19, 43–45. Bjørnson, F. O., Wang, A. I. & Arisholm, E. (2008). Improving the effectiveness of root cause analysis in post mortem analysis: A controlled experiment. Information and Software Technology Capers, J. (2006). Social and Technical Reasons for Software Project Failures. Crosstalk The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, 4-9. Dingsøyr, T. (2005). Postmortem reviews: purpose and approaches in software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 47(5), Dyba, T. (2001). Enabling Software Process Improvement: An Investigation on the Importance of Organisational Issues, Dr. Ing. Thesis, Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Glass R.L. (2002) Project retrospectives and why they never happen, IEEE Software 19 (5) 111–112. Keegan, A., & Turner, J.R. (2001). Quantity versus Quality in project-based learning practices, Management Learning 32 77–98 Lehtinen, T. (2010). Development and Evaluation of an Efficient Method for Software Engineering Root Cause Analysis. Master Thesis, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, Finland Myllyaho, M., Salo, O., Kääriäinen & J., Koskela, J. (2004) A review of small and large post-mortem analysis methods, ICSSEA, Salo, O., Kolehmainen, K., Kyllönen, P., Löthman, J., Salmijärvi, S., & Abrahamsson, P. (2004) Self-Adaptability of Agile Software Processes: A Case Study on Post-iteration Workshops; Fifth International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering Scupin, R. (1997). The KJ Method: a technique for analyzing data derived from Japanese ethnology. Human Organization, 56, Wohlin, C., Höst, M., & Henningsson K. (2003). Empirical Research Methods in Software Engineering; In Reidar Conradi and Alf Inge Wang (Eds.). Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering: Experiences from ESERNET, LNCS 2765, Springer Verlag, pp. (7-23)