Welcome to Cadastral Surveying Examiner: Glenn Campbell Ph: Room: Z430
Course Objectives Explain legal and physical aspects of cadastral surveying Outline searching procedures and ATS Interpret and analyze a cadastral survey plan
Course Objectives Describe land registration in Qld and how cadastral surveying fits in that process Perform reinstatement calculations Apply provisions of the SOM
Course Objectives Understand rights and responsibilities of cadastral surveyors Outline the history of cadastral surveying in Queensland
Course Overview Legal Aspects of Property Basic Calculations Tenures and Titling Systems Licensed Surveyors and Cadastral Surveys Historical Survey Requirements in Qld Pre-Planning and Field Procedures Reinstatement Current Marking Requirements in Qld Qld Plan Requirements
Assessments Are to provide documentary evidence of the achievement of learning objectives Refer to Unit Specifications
Timetable handout Buy External Study Package (and bring to lectures and practicals) SOM and Legislation at URL in Study Book General Information
Lecture Notes Broad Topics - A Guide only - No guarantees Study Book is Your Reference Material for Studying
Ground Rules You are responsible for your own learning Ask questions and participate The only‘stupid question’ is the one you don’t ask Be punctual to lectures and tutes NoMobilePhonesplease
Safety Information Fire alarms Evacuation Emergency Phones Emergency Squad First Aid Kits
Let’s Begin... Relax and enjoy the Course!