beyond reasonable doubt? week 3 - right and wrong
Two things fill the mind with ever new increasing admiration and awe… the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me
Data People talk about moral standards and try to act in accordance with those standards Lewis’s explanation The existence of a genuine Moral Law would explain moral discourse and moral behaviour Comparison Ethical relativism and subjectivism do not explain the data as well as the supposition of a Moral Law Conclusion There is a Moral Law
If there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe – no more than the architect of the house could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace in that house. The only way in which we could expect it to show itself would be inside ourselves as an influence or a command trying to get us to behave in a certain way. And that is what we do find inside ourselves. C S Lewis Mere Christianity
beyond reasonable doubt? week 3 - right and wrong