Eating Disorders -An Eating Disorder is an abnormal eating pattern that endangers the physical and mental health. -Most common in teen and young adult women. -3 most common forms are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that is an intense fear of weight gain. Anorexics have a number of social and emotional issues. Withdrawal from social events and have a quiet and serious personality. View losing weight as a way to solves problems Think they are overweight even when seriously thin. Can often start with a diet.
Anorexia Nervosa-cont. Often skip meals, may eat little or nothing, and push food around on plate. May where baggy clothes to hide their body May take laxatives or diet pills May exercise excessively
Anorexia Nervosa: Physical Symptoms Low body fat and weight Cessation of menstrual period Stress, restlessness, and irritability Fine hair and rough, dry skin Muscle tissue wastes away Blood pressure and pulse drops Organs begin to shrivel Bone density decreases Many anorexics starve to death, others are severely depressed and at risk of suicide.
Bulimia Nervosa -Bulimia Nervosa includes Binging and purging. Binging-Uncontrollable eating of large amounts of food Purging-Clearing the food from the digestive system. –Ex. Vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas, exercising, and fasting.
Bulimia Nervosa Always thinking about food. May consume thousands of calories in a few hours. -Typically high carb, high fat foods. Ex. A whole cake, a dozen donuts, or a tub of ice-cream. Physical Effects: -Their body may look normal. -The body will become increasingly affected. -Burnt tissue in esophagus, swollen glands, and ruined tooth enamel. -Loss of water, minerals, and electrolyte imbalance -Troubles with heart and lover damage and can be fatal
Binge Eating Disorder and More Binge Eating is rapid eating of large amounts of food. Overeating until uncomfortably full. Do not try to prevent weight gain. Feel guilty, frustrated, and rejected. Overweight and at risk for obesity. When they lose, they often gain it back. Others: Disorders show up in people who are overly concerned with their body image.
Causes Theories Social Pressure- Comes from the media (models, actors, performers) who are often thin and beautiful -Believe in order to be successful they must be attractive -Measure self-worth by body weight People in the U.S. are under constant pressure to fit a certain ideal of beauty. Seeing images of flawless, thin, females or fit males everywhere makes it hard for people to feel good about their bodies.
Causes-continued Teens-social Pressure -vulnerable to feelings of rejection, worthlessness, and guilt Athletes- focus on body and weight -Ex. wrestlers, gymnast, dancers, etc. -Female Triad: Eating disorder, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis
Genetic Links- Chemicals in brain prompt eating (high sugar and fat content.) Family Patterns- may influence the development of an eating disorder
Getting Help Treatment is likely to include a team of health care professionals. -Medical Doctor, psychologist, dietician, exercise specialist. -Not a simple fix but can take years -First, attend to the physical issues the disorder has caused. -Psychological and nutritional counseling. -Taught to build new controls in their life and taught better verbal/communication skills. -Continued support through professionals, family, and friends. -May never fully recover.
Helping a Friend May not admit to having a problem May get angry or upset Don ’ t give up-if they are not receptive speak to a counselor. Steps to prevent an eating disorder: -Be careful when encouraging one to lose weight. -Offer encouragement, support, and acceptance.
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